Get Involved

Get Involved!

Award Winner
Hands-on Demonstrations
Quiz Bowl
Graduate School Fair
Oral Presentations


We are glad that you are visiting our site and are interested in learning more about what the chapter has to offer. As a professional, involvement in this organization provides opportunities for continuing education, a forum for presenting your research, networking/collaboration, and leadership.

NLACSM welcomes your involvement. Please contact Erin White with any questions or ideas that you have. We would love to hear from you!

Ways to Get Involved as a Professional

1.  Attend the Annual NLACSM and ACSM Annual Meeting.

Meetings are some of the best ways to learn more about these organizations, network with outstanding professionals in the field, stay on top of the current research and trends in our field, and get students involved.  The NLACSM Annual meeting is held in the spring and is an affordable regional meeting that showcases outstanding speakers and presentations.

The ACSM annual meeting also offers an opportunity to showcase your research  and network with other colleagues in the region with similar interests. There are opportunities for professional talks and student talks (oral or poster).

2. Lead the Chapter

One of the benefits of being a member of NLACSM is the opportunity for professional development to include leadership as an officer at the regional chapter level within the American College of Sports Medicine. In addition, active involvement at the chapter level and serving in a leadership capacity are some of the criteria for becoming a Fellow member of ACSM.

Leadership opportunities on the Leadership Board include: President-Elect, At-Large Representative, State Representatives, and Student Activities Director.

3. Volunteer to help with the NLACSM Annual Meeting

Oftentimes, an extra pair of hands would be very helpful at the annual meeting, whether it is reviewing abstracts, moderating a session, acting as a proctor during the Quiz Bowl, or helping with registration - there are always little ways that you could help that chapter and become more involved.

4. Be a faculty champion!

Communicate the importance of becoming involved to your students!  Consider having your students form a Quiz Bowl team (you only need 3 students), presenting their research, attend the conference, etc.  Leading by example is the best way we can involve our newest members.



Ways to Get Involved as a Student

1. Attend the NLACSM Annual Meeting.

The Northland regional meeting is at various locations throughout the region and is a great (and affordable) way to travel, meet other students, and network!

2. Showcase your research at the NLACSM Annual Meeting.

Students are HIGHLY encouraged to submit their research for presentation at the annual meeting. Students may select between poster or oral presentations. It is a great experience and opportunity to showcase your hard work and network with others doing similar research. There is no fee to submit an abstract.

As a presenter, you are also eligible to receive student presentation awards, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels!

3. Participate in the Student Quiz Bowl.

Each year at the NLACSM Annual Meeting, teams of 3 students compete in a Jeopardy-style Student Quiz Bowl event. Categories include, but are not limited to, exercise prescription, anatomy, EKG interpretation, metabolism, cardiovascular physiology, neuromuscular physiology, or any related exercise science course is fair game. The winning team is awarded the title of NLACSM Student Bowl Champions and moves on to represent the chapter in the national Student Bowl competition at the ACSM Annual Meeting at the end of May. You may submit more than one team/university.

4. Initiate and/or get Involved with Exercise is Medicine on (your) Campus.

Are you looking for a way to promote the values of ACSM within your local community?  It is a great activity for Exercise Science clubs to coordinate! There are awards available to either help support a school launching a new EIM on campus or to help recognize outstanding EIM programs that are already established.  Learn more about Exericse is Medicine on Campus

5. Run to be a Student Representative on the NLACSM Board.

We seek the viewpoints and input from our student members as the Chapter grows and evolves and one way we make sure the voices are heard is through our student representative. Consider stepping into a leadership role to help support, educate, lead and be a voice for our student members and beyond.




Interested in learning more?

Contact us at to find the best involvement opportunity to fit your interests!