Effective Strategies to Increase Physical Activity | CEC Quiz

Effective Strategies to Increase Physical Activity | CEC Quiz

Lisa Ferguson-Stegall, Ph.D., FACSM and Jennifer Dysterheft Robb, Ph.D. |  Sept. 13, 2019

ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal®: September - October 2019 CEC Course #3: Effective Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in the Working Years

Available ACSM CECs: 2.0

Strategies to Increase Physical Activity ACSM

Key Message: Incorporating shorter bouts into the work day and into “down time” at home, and finding enjoyable exercise options that include both traditional and non-traditional modes are all ways to help your clients enjoy better health and fitness.


This course includes an online ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® article and a corresponding online quiz.

4 Learning Objectives for Effective Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in the Working Years:

  • Incorporate physical activity breaks into sitting time at work and at home, and reinforce the habit by setting a timer as a reminder to get up and move at least once every hour.
  • For individuals with limited time to exercise, but who are willing to exercise intensely, high intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a highly effective way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • Incorporating nontraditional modalities, such as yoga, active commuting, age-group sports, and dance, is a viable way to increase physical activity levels.
  • Take your client’s or patient’s goals and activity preferences into consideration when making recommendations or designing an activity plan, and incorporate creative solutions to reduce their sedentary time throughout each day.

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