2017 ACSM-GEI, ACSM-CEP and ACSM-RCEP Exam Updates: What to Expect

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2017 ACSM-GEI, ACSM-CEP and ACSM-RCEP Exam Updates: What to Expect

ACSM Certification Department |  Sept. 20, 2017

ACSM's Committee on Certification and Registry Board (CCRB) regularly performs job task analyses (JTAs) of its exams every five to seven years. The JTAs essentially are a detailed job survey of currently practicing professionals - i.e., what you are expected to know and be able to perform as part of a job. In addition, the JTA identifies any important changes that have happened to the field since the last JTA.

CCRB is currently reviewing the ACSM-GEI, ACSM-CEP, and ACSM-RCEP JTAs. At this time, the 2012 JTAs will remain in effect until further notice. Starting December 18, 2017, certain exam questions of the ACSM-GEI, ACSM-CEP, and ACSM-RCEP will be updated to current industry standards and practice. The Guideline of Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th Edition (GETP 10) is a wonderful resource that captures these changes. It is recommended that you are familiar with GETP 10 and current ACSM position stands, consensus statements, and related industry white papers.

  • A free, recorded webinar discusses major changes to GETP 10 is available here.
  • Overview of the updated exercise preparticipation health screening can be found here.
  • Application of ACSM's Updated Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening Algorithm can be found here.

When preparing for an exam, a good place to start is to review the exam content outlines; available here: https://certification.acsm.org/exam-content-outlines. The exam content outlines provide the job tasks and related specific knowledge and skill statements; see Figure 1. Performance domains are the highest level of content classification. Performance domains are then into divided into job tasks. Knowledge and skills statements are the specific parts of a job task that you must understand and be able to perform.

Figure 1. Sample performance domain, topic, and knowledge and skill statements.

We will keep the ACSM-GEI, ACSM-CEP, and ACSM-RCEP FAQ pages up-to-date. Be sure to connect with us on TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn to keep up with the latest updates, expert insights, and more.

ACSM-GEI FAQs: https://certification.acsm.org/2017-gei-exam-update-faqs
ACSM-CEP FAQs: https://certification.acsm.org/2017-cep-exam-update-faqs
ACSM-RCEP FAQs: https://certification.acsm.org/2017-rcep-exam-update-faqs

Good luck with the exams! We look forward to you becoming part of the ACSM family!