
In This Section:

  • How to Renew Your ACSM Certification | Essential Update

    by David Barr | Oct 08, 2019

    How to renew ACSM Certification cec

    ACSM Certification is excited to share an exciting update to our certification portal.

    Log in to your ACSM account.
    All ACSM certified professionals have a default account – do not create a new account because your certification will not be connected to it.

    If you did not change your default username to your own unique username, use the first three letters of your last name and ACSM ID number (e.g. - abc123456).

    If you did not change your default password to a unique password, use the first three letters of your last name (in lowercase) and ACSM ID number (e.g. - abc123456).  Passwords are case sensitive.

    After you log into your account, click ‘Profile’ then ‘My Certifications/MyCEC History’ and you will notice a few changes.

    1. CEC Progress Bar

    CEC Progress ACSM Certification
    Our new progress bar shows how much progress you’ve made in earning your continuing education and how much time you have left in your 3-year certification cycle. Once your progress bar is full, it is time to renew your certification!

    2. My Certifications

    Your earned certifications will be listed here. You will see the begin date of your renewal cycle, your certification expiration date and the number of CECs required to renew. If you have multiple certifications, each of your certifications will be listed, but you are only required to earn the CECs for your highest certification.  If your progress bar is full, you will also see a RENEW NOW button.

    The RENEW NOW button will only show once you have successfully completed (and self-reported) the required CECs and it is during the final year of your renewal cycle.

    As before, simply earning and logging your CECs will not automatically renew your certification, you must fill out the certification renewal (recertification) form and pay the recertification fee for your certification level. Once you renew, your new cycle will begin, and your progress bar will reset to 0%.

    If you hold an ACSM Certification and nothing is listed under ‘My Certifications’, you have more than one profile and they will need to be merged. Email for assistance. 

    3. ALL CECs vs Current Cycle CECs

    ALL CECs vs Current Cycle CECs

    CECs will be separated into two tabs: ALL CECs and Current Cycle CECs. ALL CECs is your complete CEC/CME history that populates for both ACSM certified professionals and those non-certified.  The Current Cycle CECs tab includes all CECs applicable to the current certification cycle. The date range for this list is between the ‘Renewal Begin Date’ and the ‘Renewal End Date’.  It includes all CECs earned through our ACSM ceOnline portal, ACSM Health and Fitness Summit, ACSM Annual Meeting and your self-reported CECs.

    4. CEC Transcript

    ACSM CEC Transcript
    You may export all CECs listed in your CEC tabs to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or you may print your CEC history for use for other organizations or for your personal records by clicking the Print Your Record button. 

    5. Upcoming CECs Search

    CEC Events Search
    Need CECs, or interested in attending an ACSM Event (conference/workshop) in the near future? Try our new quick search tool or click the link to purchase a new online CEC course on our ceOnline site. 

    6. Self-Reporting Tool

    ACSM Certification Self Reporting
    Click the "+" icon to add continuing education credits you have earned outside of ACSM. We accept outside CEC/CME/CEU/contact hours that are directly related to your ACSM certification and if another certifying body (fitness/health organization) offers CECs for that event. ACSM calculates CECs as 1 CEC per hour of participation. Please keep all of your non-ACSM CEC documentation for your records in case you are audited. 


    Prior to now, self-reporting was not required. With the addition of our new progress bar, when you earn CECs outside of ACSM, you must now self-report them.  If you do not self-report, your progress bar will not moveIf your bar does not move, at the end of your cycle your ‘Renew Now’ button will not appear.

    Another new feature added to the Self-Reporting tool is the option to edit or delete an incorrect or duplicate entry. Just click the pencil to edit or the red X to delete.
    ACSM CEC Self Reporting

    If you have any questions regarding these changes, please email and we will be happy to assist.

    Read More ACSM Certification Content

  • In Memoriam: Former ACSM President Barbara L. Drinkwater, Ph.D., FACSM

    by Caitlin Kinser | Oct 08, 2019
    Barbara L. Drinkwater, PhD, FACSM memorial

    On Monday, September 30th, Barbara Drinkwater, Ph.D., FACSM, passed away in Gold Canyon, AZ.  Dr. Drinkwater left an extraordinary legacy on sport, medicine and science.

    Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, “She doesn’t have what it takes.” They will say, “Women don’t have what it takes.” -Clare Boothe Luce.

    Dr. Drinkwater’s successes were unprecedented and clearly demonstrated that she and the women she influenced, had and have what it takes. Dr. Drinkwater bravely pioneered the way for girls and women in sport, medicine, science and leadership. Always a competitive athlete, her career began as a physical educator, women’s basketball coach and swimming instructor. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree at Douglas College (now Rutgers University), a Master of Science degree at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro and a Ph.D. degree in sports psychology from Purdue University. Dr. Drinkwater’s research career as an exercise physiologist began at the Institute of Environmental Stress, at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She continued at the University of Washington in the Department of Kinesiology and concluded her academic and research career at the Pacific Medical Center in the Department of Medicine, where she led the Osteoporosis Research Laboratory.

    Her relationship with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) began in 1966, shortly thereafter, she published a book chapter on the topic of women and exercise. This led to other leadership opportunities including speaking engagements, serving on 15 ACSM committees and an opportunity to run for the Board of Trustees. She was elected as a ACSM trustee, vice president and president (1988-1989) – the first woman to be elected to all three positions. Her contributions to medicine, science and physical performance has been recognized by ACSM through her receipt of both the Citation (1984) and Honor (1996) Awards. She also delivered the D.B. Dill Historical Lecture in 1989 and the Wolffe Memorial Lecture in 1994.

    A native of New Jersey, she never lost tremendous stature both physically and intellectually. She had a wonderful wit and used it to put people at ease as she developed hypotheses about girls’ and women’s health and physical performance, while challenging existing data prior to and following Title IX. Spanning her career, she specifically focused on the topics of thermoregulation; aging; and menstrual function, bone health, and exercise. She was the first research scientist to advise that comparisons of the physiological performances of men and women must account for body size. She also led the discovery of the relationship among amenorrhea, disordered eating, and osteoporosis - known as the female athlete triad.

    Barbara Drinkwater Quote

    Dr. Drinkwater was an icon, role model, and mentor who not only through her research, improved and saved lives of girls and women but also made a positive impact on the careers of physicians, educators and scientists who were women, through her mentorship. In 2016, Susan D. Carter, Ph.D., FACSM, reported that as ACSM president-elect, Dr. Drinkwater noted “…there was not a single black member on any committee. So, I formed a new committee tasked with identifying and recruiting black members for the various committees.” Dr, Drinkwater was a lifelong champion of diversity and told me I would be the first black president of ACSM, many times. When I recently visited with her on Vashon Island, and reminded her of this she said, “I should have spent more time in casinos.” But then quickly and quite seriously, reminded me of my responsibilities to other women and minorities. Her humor, bravery, creativity, positivity, diplomacy, tenacity, brilliance, and the way she made us feel when she stared us with her steel blue eyes and flashed her big bright smile as she told us to get to work, will be sorely missed.  

    Acknowledgements:  I am thankful to Barbara Ainsworth, Ph.D., FACSM, Susan Carter, Ph.D., FACSM, Rosemary D’Agostini, M.D., FACSM, Patricia Freedson, Ph.D., FACSM, Anne Loucks Ph.D., FACSM, and Jack Berryman, Ph.D., FACSM with their assistance in preparing this tribute.

    NiCole R. Keith, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM Incoming President, 2020

    Barbara Drinkwater was a role model for all women in ACSM.  As our first female President, she broke through the ‘glass ceiling’ and spoke to our female members about leadership in ACSM. Her message was that leadership is possible and it is critical to have a voice. Barbara cared deeply about many things. As a founding member of Women Sports International, she spoke of the need to eliminate injustice for female athletes. On her home land of Vashon Island she achieved that no animal would homeless or neglected. Barbara was an icon for all who followed. We looked up to her and strived to walk her path professionally and with integrity. Barbara will be remembered by many and for years to come.  

    Barbara Ainsworth, Ph.D. M.P.H., FACSM, ACSM Past President, 2011-12

    Barbara had a commitment to helping women achieve their professional goals. As a personal example, my first experience with Barbara was after a talk she gave at ACSM in 1976.  While she was surrounded by many people, I asked her if she had any job openings. She stopped and looked straight into my eyes. She then told me to send my resume and a letter of research interests. I did so and months later I had a postdoc working with someone else at the Institute of Environmental Stress at UCSB. 

    Barbara had an intense desire to demonstrate that women were up to the task, no matter what. For example, we were having dinner together at an Annual Meeting. During our meandering conversation, I asked about her 1970 NIH grant that was directed toward the responses of middle aged women to exercise in a hot, humid environment. It was the first to use only women as subjects.

    She simply said, “I just wanted to show that we could do it.”

    And so she so many ways.

    Charlotte “Toby” Tate, PhD, FACSM, ACSM Past President, 1998-99

  • Muscle Recovery Download

    by David Barr | Oct 03, 2019

    Muscle Recovery Download ACSM
    ACSM Download: Muscle Recovery Road Map

    From good nutrition, sleep, regular days off, to different methods and tools, use this exercise recovery road map to find the best strategy to recover quickly and effectively.

    Download from our Resource Library

    Download More Popular Resources:

    ACSM Resistance Training Guidelines Strength Training
    Resistance Training for Health Infographic

    ACSM 7 Minute Workout
    7 Minute Workout | Download

    Risk Stratification ACSM Download Update
    ACSM Risk Stratification Chart | Download

  • The Exercise is Medicine Solution – Creative Applications for Practitioners | CEC Course

    by David Barr | Oct 01, 2019
    Exercise is Medicine Solution CEC Course ACSM


    As the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) solution expands there are unique opportunities for practitioners to become involved. The goal of this presentation is to share successful programs and provide practical tips on implementing the EIM solution across multiple locations (Universities, Colleges, Work Sites, Hospital Settings).

    About the course:

    This course includes an online video from ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all videos, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes).

    Available ACSM CECs 3.0

    Learning Objectives for The Exercise is Medicine Solution – Creative Applications for Practitioners:

    • Provide detailed information on the scope of the EIM Solution.
    • Provide examples of successful EIM implementations across multiple platforms.
    • Provide practical tips to Health and Fitness Professionals on implementing or working on EIM projects.

    Purchase and earn CECs

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  • How to Choose the Right Personal Trainer | Download

    by David Barr | Sep 27, 2019

    How to Choose a Personal Trainer ACSM

    ACSM Download: Investing in a Personal Trainer

    If you are looking to select a personal trainer:

    Choosing the right fitness professional is an important investment to your health, wellness and life. Educate yourself to help make the most informed choice and experience the benefits.

    If you are looking to educate and assist prospective clients:

    Provide this resource to help prospective clients understand the importance of being ACSM Certified.

    Download from our Resource Library

    View More Popular Resource Downloads:

    ACSM Resistance Training Guidelines Strength Training
    Resistance Training for Health Infographic

    ACSM 7 Minute Workout
    7 Minute Workout | Download
