
In This Section:

  • Examining what impacts biking behavior beyond the bike lane: Climate and health co-benefits

    by Matt Chriest | Mar 23, 2018

    We’ve all heard the expression, “If you build it, they will come.” Does it apply to bike lanes and cyclists? If we paint some lanes on the side of the road will we be overrun with cyclists? Is it really that simple? Is there anything beyond the bike lane that we can do to promote more participation in transportation-related biking? The simple answer is, indeed, yes there is. Bike Lane

    The issue of understanding and promoting bicycling behavior is certainly complex, one pondered by a variety of stakeholders, including urban planners, traffic engineers, health officials and local biking advocates to name a few. It is important to note that it is, in fact, a BEHAVIOR that we’re trying to understand. Just like any other behavior (e.g., smoking, healthy eating, etc.), there is a wide range of things that impact the behavior, from the individual all the way to public policy. It’s important to identify these things because they give us something to target with programs or approaches.

    Perhaps one of the greatest influences on biking behavior is the individual themselves—mostly their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about bicycling. Their confidence for bicycling in urban spaces could also be a factor, all of which could relate to how much they actually enjoy biking. Social networks also can play a big role in whether a person opts to bike—if they have friends, family or coworkers who bike regularly, that can positively impact their own choices. Seeing others biking in the community also speaks to a better “biking culture” in which one feels more comfortable hitting the roads on two wheels when it seems there is more of a critical mass.

    Some of the farthest-reaching approaches include the education, encouragement and supportive infrastructure (e.g., bike parking, locker rooms) that common destinations can provide. Schools and worksites are places that millions visit daily, so their role in promoting biking is essential and provides a connection to the greater community’s approach to biking. Policies at the local, state or federal level can offer support for biking through safety, education and the provision of resources. And, of course, the physical environment is another key component. It’s no surprise that features like shared use paths, protected bike lanes, traffic calming and connections with public transportation promote biking.

    Community leaders, key stakeholders or policymakers need to fully understand the expansive benefits associated with biking in order to garner support and resources to support this mode of travel. Beyond the notable benefits of improved health outcomes, bicycling as a sustainable form of transportation has significant “green” outcomes as well. The primary environmental benefits associated with biking are related to the shift in travel mode away from automobiles, with potential benefits of reduced pollution, traffic, congestion and improved air quality, resulting in a more sustainable environment. Air pollution and poor air quality have been linked to many chronic diseases (e.g., respiratory conditions, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer), poorer quality of life, premature mortality, increased health care expenses and increased absenteeism at work and school. Estimates have shown that a mode share shift to more active modes of travel (i.e., biking) could save from four to 23 million tons of carbon a year for trips of less than three miles. Shifting travel patterns from automobiles to biking has clear implications for the environment, so understanding the influences on biking behavior is key on the pathway to more sustainable living.  

    Whether as a stakeholder, advocate, or bicyclist, it is important to pose the questions, “Should we build it? Will they come?” But we must remember what lies beyond the bike lane.

    Melissa Bopp is an associate professor of Kinesiology at Pennsylvania State University and author of the forthcoming book: Biking for Transportation: An Evidence-base for Communities.

  • Journey of Becoming ACSM Certified, Part 1

    by Caitlin Kinser | Mar 13, 2018

    ACSM had a tremendous response to our "Journey of Becoming ACSM Certified" webinar. In the webinar, we introduced Jen Aragon, Cat Perry, and Whitney Leyva who will be documenting their journey of becoming an ACSM Certified professional.

    View the webinar here. 

    Each has a unique story in how they first became interested in the fitness industry, but the overarching goal is that they want to help others reach their full potential through exercise. What will be interesting to watch for is how Jen, Cat, and Whitney will balance their competing priorities of school, work, social life, and/or kids.

    In addition, we discussed some general tips on how to prepare for your exam. For example, why one should start with the exam content outline, what content-weighting and cognitive complexity mean and why they're important, why you should understand the big picture and not get lost in the details, how PrepU can be used to test your mastery, and the power and impact of community. A lot of folks really latched onto the latter, so we created study groups for Personal Trainer and Exercise Physiologist exams on Facebook:


    I look forward to your taking on the challenge of transforming your passion for exercise and converting it into a lifelong career.

    Be sure to connect with us on social media to keep up with the latest news.

    Francis Neric - Twitter: fneric | LinkedIn: in/fneric
    Cat Perry - Twitter: catperry | Instagram: catperry | LinkedIn: in/catperry
    Whitney Leyva - Twitter: ironwhit | Instagram: ironwhit | LinkedIn: in/whitney-leyva-ms-cscs-usaw-289a5a66/
    Jen Aragon - Instagram: jenjen7777

  • Industry Presented Blog: Carbohydrate Conundrum Webinar Q&A

    by Caitlin Kinser | Feb 27, 2018

    Viewpoints presented in this blog reflect opinions of the author and Potatoes USA and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of ACSM.

    Katherine A. Beals, PhD, RD, FACSM

    Potatoes USA recently hosted an industry-presented webinar entitled: The carbohydrate conundrum: Are carbs essential or obsolete when it comes to health, fitness and athletic performance? Watch a free recorded version of the webinar. The webinar is also available for two (2) CECs via ACSM ceOnline.

    Several questions were asked by attendees during the webinar and the answers are below.

    Q- Are there studies that have examined the effects of a ketogenic diet on "high intensity" sports (e.g., power lifting, sprinting, etc).

    The majority of studies have examined ketogenic diets in athletes participating in submaximal, endurance exercise (58-65% of Vo2 max) and most of these studies have measured alterations in substrate oxidation vs. actual performance, and with good reason. First, fat can only serve as a significant substrate under aerobic metabolic conditions (i.e., the aerobic energy system or oxidative phosphorylation). Anaerobic metabolism (such as would predominate in high intensity exercise such as sprinting) can only utilize glucose as a substrate, while the ATP-PCr energy system (which predominates in strength and power events, e.g., power lifting) utilizes ATP and phosphocreatine. So it would be very unlikely that a high fat diet would be beneficial for high intensity sports (since fat is not a viable fuel source for these sports). Second it is unlikely that endurance "performance" would be improved on a ketogenic, since to perform well in most endurance events (i.e., to "win") the athlete must complete a given distance in the shortest amount of time, which typically requires them to compete at an intensity leve higher than "submax". Indeed, an endurance athlete hoping to "win" his or her event while maintaining a submax intensity is going to be sorely disappointed. The only published study to date examining ketogenic diets in resistance-trained individuals is Wilson et al. (2017). (see abstract below).

    Wilson et al. 2017 The Effects of Ketogenic Dieting on Body Composition, Strength, Power, and Hormonal Profiles in Resistance Training Males. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Apr 7. [Epub ahead of print] Twenty-five college aged men were divided into a KD or traditional WD from weeks 1-10, with a reintroduction of carbohydrates from weeks 10-11, while participating in a resistance-training program. Body composition, strength, power, and blood lipid profiles were determined at week 0, 10 and 11. A comprehensive metabolic panel and testosterone levels were also measured at weeks 0 and 11.Lean body mass (LBM) increased in both KD and WD groups (2.4% and 4.4%, p<0.01) at week 10. However, only the KD group showed an increase in LBM between weeks 10-11 (4.8%, p<0.0001). Finally, fat mass decreased in both the KD group (-2.2 kg ± 1.2 kg) and WD groups (- 1.5 ± 1.6 kg). Strength and power increased to the same extent in the WD and KD conditions from weeks 1-11. No changes in any serum lipid measures occurred from weeks 1-10, however a rapid reintroduction of carbohydrate from weeks 10-11 raised plasma TG levels in the KD group. Total testosterone increased significantly from Weeks 0-11 in the KD diet (118 ng/dl) as compared to the WD (-36 ng/dl) from pre to post while insulin did not change.

    Q- What about the effects of consuming exogenous ketones (e.g., as a supplement)? Has this been shown to improve performance?

    Ketone supplements-(ketone salts and esters) have gained some limited popularity as a potential ergogenic aid among athletes, particularly endurance athletes. The goal is to increase ketone levels in the body quickly without having to follow a high fat, low carbohydrate diet (i.e., gain the hypothesized benefits of a ketogenic diet without having to actually follow it!). The limited available research does not show a performance benefit of supplementing with exogenous ketones. There was a very nice review paper on the topic published in the peer-reviewed journal, Sports Medicine, last year by Pinckaers and colleagues (Pinckaers PJ et al. 2017) (see abstract below).

    Pinckaers PJ et al. Ketone Bodies and Exercise Performance: The Next Magic Bullet or Merely Hype? Sports Med. 2017; 47(3):383-391. Elite athletes and coaches are in a constant search for training methods and nutritional strategies to support training and recovery efforts that may ultimately maximize athletes' performance. Recently, there has been a re-emerging interest in the role of ketone bodies in exercise metabolism, with considerable media speculation about ketone body supplements being routinely used by professional cyclists. Ketone bodies can serve as an important energy substrate under certain conditions, such as starvation, and can modulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Dietary strategies to increase endogenous ketone body availability (i.e., a ketogenic diet) require a diet high in lipids and low in carbohydrates for ~4 days to induce nutritional ketosis. However, a high fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet may impair exercise performance via reducing the capacity to utilize carbohydrate, which forms a key fuel source for skeletal muscle during intense endurance-type exercise. Recently, ketone body supplements (ketone salts and esters) have emerged and may be used to rapidly increase ketone body availability, without the need to first adapt to a ketogenic diet. However, the extent to which ketone bodies regulate skeletal muscle bioenergetics and substrate metabolism during prolonged endurance-type exercise of varying intensity and duration remains unknown. Therefore, at present there are no data available to suggest that ingestion of ketone bodies during exercise improves athletes' performance under conditions where evidence-based nutritional strategies are applied appropriately.

    Q- If the goal is fat loss (or increased fat oxidation), and not high performance, what is the negative impact of a ketogenic diet? If the training protocol is primarily submaximal training and the focus is increasing fat oxidation, wouldn't a ketogenic diet benefit the "casual exerciser" seeking to lose body fat?

    Research consistently shows that following a ketogenic diet will promote alterations in substrate oxidation during submaximal exercise, specifically a relative increase in fat oxidation and a relative decrease in carbohydrate oxidation. Thus, metabolically, it would seem to makes sense this type of diet could promote beneficial changes in body composition. But, as is true with many aspects of metabolism, it is not that simple and it is all "relative"! The keys lie in the terms "submax" and "relative". Most athletes routinely train at intensities higher than submax (they have to if they are going to improve performance and win races). The alterations in substrate oxidation on a ketogenic diet will likely not hold true for exercise above submax intensities (there is currently a lack of data in this area so we do not know for sure, but from a pure metabolic standpoint, high intensity exercise cannot be maintained without glucose as a fuel source). Ok, so what about recreational athletes and exercisers who spend a lot of time training in the "submax" zone? Here is where the term "relative" comes into play. Remember that weight loss (which includes fat loss) is a matter of energy balance (i.e., calories consumed and calories expended). A given exercise bout (let's use a 60 min run at 62% Vo2 max for an example) will expend a certain number of calories, let's say 500 calories. If we have two runners (same body weights), one following a ketogenic diet and one following an adequate carbohydrate diet, they will both expend 500 calories. The difference is that the runner on the ketogenic diet will oxidize relatively more fat vs CHO (let's say 60% fat and 40% CHO) compared to the runner on the adequate carbohydrate diet (who will oxidize 50% fat and 50% CHO). But, at the end of the day the calories they expended in the exercise bout will be similar; thus, assuming similar energy intake (and expenditure the rest of the day) fat loss will likely not be different. With the exception of the Wilson et al (2017) study (mentioned above), there have been no studies examining body composition changes in "athletes" following a ketogenic diet compared to those following an adequate carbohydrate diet. There are, however, several studies that have compared the Atkins diet (a well-known ketogenic diet) to lower-fat, more moderate carbohydrate diets in sedentary individuals. The results indicate that those on the Atkins diet often lose significantly more weight in the first few months; but, by the end of a year, weight loss is similar between the groups (and the initial, rapid weight loss is often attributed to the greater energy deficit-that is, a reduced calorie intake-- in the Atkins group).

    Q- In the webinar you mentioned that ketogenic diets may actually be glycogen impairing vs glycogen sparing. Can you explain this?

    Yes! In her review article covering the controversy of training high vs training low, Burke et al. (2010) emphasizes that the alterations in substrate oxidation (i.e., relative increase in fat oxidation and decrease in carbohydrate oxidation) may not be as metabolically beneficial to the athlete as they might seem. (see reference below) Specifically, fat adaptation enhances the metabolic pathways and upregulates enzymes involved in fat oxidation at the "expense" of pathways and enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism/utilization. Burke provides the example of pyruvate dehydrogenase (a rate-limiting enzyme in carbohydrate utilization), and indicates that some limited research shows that fat adaptation suppresses the activity of this key enzyme, thus, causing an impairment of the utilization of carbohydrate during exercise. She supports this metabolic effect with studies from her own lab as well as others that could find "no evidence of an expected improvement in exercise performance [on a high fat diet], but instead, a reduction in the ability to perform high intensity exercise". (Burke 2010).

    Burke LM1. Fueling strategies to optimize performance: training high or training low? Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010 Oct;20 Suppl 2:48-58.  Availability of carbohydrate as a substrate for the muscle and central nervous system is critical for the performance of both intermittent high-intensity work and prolonged aerobic exercise. Therefore, strategies that promote carbohydrate availability, such as ingesting carbohydrate before, during and after exercise, are critical for the performance of many sports and a key component of current sports nutrition guidelines. Guidelines for daily carbohydrate intakes have evolved from the "one size fits all" recommendation for a high-carbohydrate diets to an individualized approach to fuel needs based on the athlete's body size and exercise program. More recently, it has been suggested that athletes should train with low carbohydrate stores but restore fuel availability for competition ("train low, compete high"), based on observations that the intracellular signaling pathways underpinning adaptations to training are enhanced when exercise is undertaken with low glycogen stores. The present literature is limited to studies of "twice a day" training (low glycogen for the second session) or withholding carbohydrate intake during training sessions. Despite increasing the muscle adaptive response and reducing the reliance on carbohydrate utilization during exercise, there is no clear evidence that these strategies enhance exercise performance. Further studies on dietary periodization strategies, especially those mimicking real-life athletic practices, are needed.

    Q- Is there a certain number of grams of CHO and or protein before exercise proven to improve power/performance?

    The current recommendation is 20 grams of protein (containing at least 6 grams of essential amino acids) immediately before and/or within 2 hours after resistance training. For endurance exercise, the recommendation for carbohydrate before exercise is 1, 2, or 3 grams per kilogram of body weight 1, 2 or 3 hours before training (respectively). For post exercise recovery (endurance exercise). If there is less than 8 hours before the next training bout, the athlete should consume 1.0-1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per hour for four hours. For protein, it is recommended the endurance athlete consume 20-30 grams of protein within 2 hours post exercise (including 6-10 grams of essential amino acids). This information can be found in the joint position statement from ACSM, AND and Dietitians of Canada.

    Thomas DT, Erdman KA, Burke LM. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016; 116(3):501-528.

    Katherine A. Beals, PhD, RD, FACSM is an Associate Professor (clinical) in the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology at the University of Utah where she teaches graduate courses in macro and micronutrient metabolism, sports nutrition and research methods.

    About Potatoes USA

    Potatoes USA is the nation's potato marketing and research organization. Based in Denver, Colorado, Potatoes USA represents more than 2,500 potato growers and handlers across the country. Potatoes USA was established in 1971 by a group of potato growers to promote the benefits of eating potatoes. Today, as the largest vegetable commodity board, Potatoes USA is proud to be recognized as an innovator in the produce industry and dedicated to positioning potatoes as a nutrition powerhouse.

  • High Altitude and Cold Weather Sport: Are There Nutritional Concerns?

    by Caitlin Kinser | Feb 19, 2018

    Cold weather and high-altitude sports have certainly been in the news recently. Have you ever wondered if these environments influence nutritional requirements and, therefore, may also have an impact on athletic performance? There is an increasing body of research suggesting that there are many nutritional issues related to cold and high-altitude environments that, if not appropriately dealt with, may seriously impact performance even in the most highly conditioned athlete. It is also important to consider that warm high-altitude environments (think Mexico City, altitude 7,382 feet; 2,250 meters), may also impart a performance advantage because of lower air resistance that an athlete must overcome, provided the athlete is sufficiently adapted to the altitude and is not suffering from one of several forms of altitude sickness.

    What are the Potential Nutritional Issues?
    Athletes who suddenly find themselves at an altitude exceeding 2000 meters are likely to experience nausea and loss of appetite, both symptoms of acute mountain sickness. This may sound like a minor issue, but failure to eat and drink enough increases the potential for poor muscle glycogen storage, which is needed for high intensity activity.  It has been found that food and fluid intake is often 10-50 percent lower in cold/high-altitude environments than amounts consumed near sea level. This problem is intensified because carbohydrates are used at a faster rate at high-altitude—dramatically increasing the risk of early fatigue. Consumption of more carbohydrate than usual may be needed in cold environments because a primary system of sustaining core body temperature in the cold is an involuntary central nervous system-induced event called ‘shivering’, which dramatically increases muscle glycogen usage.  

    Failure to consume sufficient fluids is also a significant issue, due to higher urine production at higher altitude, with higher risk of dehydration and an associated early fatigue. In fact, trying to maintain a good hydration state in cold and high-altitude environments is just as difficult as maintaining fluid balance in hot and humid environments because of the increased urine production and the voluntary failure to drink sufficient fluids. There may even be an increased risk of dehydration from high levels of water loss if the clothing worn is particularly heat retaining or heavy sporting equipment is being carried (i.e., skis, poles, helmet, etc.).

    What Can Physically Active People Do To Satisfy Nutritional Needs?


    There is no substitute for adapting to the cold and high-altitude environment. Athletes competing in this environment should try to spend at least four days in this environment prior to competition. This allows the body to make appropriate adaptations to resolve acute mountain sickness. The high-altitude environment is lower in oxygen, so assuring good iron status with no sign of iron deficiency or anemia is important. If performing endurance activity in this environment, spending even more time at high-altitude is important to improve red-cell concentration and oxygen-carrying capacity. Of course, increasing red-cell concentration increases the requirement for selected nutrients, mandating a diet rich in high-iron, high-vitamin B12 foods (red meats, etc.), high vitamin C and folic acid (fresh fruits and vegetables), or a physician monitored intake of nutrient supplementation.

    Total Energy

    Frequent eating at planned timed intervals, with a focus on high carbohydrate foods is important because carbohydrate requires less oxygen to metabolize for energy than either protein or fat.  Insufficient energy intake reduces both strength and endurance, both critical factors in athletic performance.  Frequent eating requires advanced planning to make certain there are planned eating times during the day (about every three hours) and available foods that can be easily accessed.  Because of the nausea commonly experienced at the beginning of the adaptation process, eating smaller amounts with greater frequency may be a useful strategy to help assure adequate intakes.


    Taking weight before and after exercise, and/or at the beginning and end of the day is a good indirect measure of the amount of body water that was lost but not replaced (1 lb = 16 ounces; 1 kg=1 liter). Athletes should monitor how much fluid was consumed and add an amount needed to sustain body weight. If the athlete cannot carry fluid with them, there should be known and available hydration stations that the athlete can access with ease and in high frequency.


    It is important to focus on the consumption of high carbohydrate foods to help optimize glycogen stores, which are used at a higher rate in cold and high-altitude environments.  Having frequent carbohydrate consumption will also help to sustain blood sugar and, therefore, mental function (the brain is a high consumer of blood sugar). It will also provide a source of fuel to working muscles that does not require oxygen to metabolize.

    The Bottom Line: 

    Plan so that the athlete never gets hungry or thirsty and has enough available energy to compensate for the extra that must be used at high-altitude.

    Dan Benardot is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, a Registered/Licensed Dietitian, and Professor of Nutrition, emeritus, at Georgia State University, where for many years he directed the Laboratory for Elite Athlete Performance. Dr. Benardot has served as nutritionist for several Olympic teams, and for the Atlanta Falcons football team. He co-authored ACSM’s 1993 position paper on ‘Nutrition and Athletic Performance’, and served as a reviewer for the 2009 and 2016 position papers.  He has also authored/co-author of several chapters in ACSM publications, several published books, and numerous articles in scientific journals. 


    For Additional Reading:

    Bartsch P, Bailey DM, Berger MM, Knauth M, and Baumgartner RW. Acute mountain sickness: Controversies and advances. High Altitude Medicine and Biology 2004; 5(2): 110-124.

    Beidleman BA, Muza SR, Fulco CS, Cymerman A, Ditzler D, Stulz D, Staab JE, Skrinar GS, Lewis SF, and Sawka MN. Intermittent altitude exposures reduce acute mountain sickness at 4300 m. Clinical Science 2004; 106(3): 321-328.

    Cheuvront SN, Ely BR, and Wilber RL. Environment and Exercise. In: Maughan RJ (ED): Sports Nutrition: The Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine: An IOC Medical Commission Publication, Volume 19. Wiley Blackwell: London © 2013, pp 425-438.

    Cheuvront SN, and Keneflick RW. Dehydration: Physiology, assessment, and performance effects. Comprehensive Physiology 2014: DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c130017

    Paulin S, Roberts J, Roberts M, and Davis I. A case study evaluation of competitors undertaking an Antarctic ultra-endurance event: nutrition, hydration and body composition variables. Extreme Physiology & Medicine2015; 4(3):

    Sawka MN, Cheuvront SN, and Kenefick RW. Hypohydration and human performance: Impact of environment and physiological mechanisms. Sports Medicine. 2015; 45(1): 51-60.

  • ACSM to Develop a Common Clinical Exercise Physiologist Certification Examination

    by Caitlin Kinser | Feb 13, 2018

    The ACSM Committee on Certification and Registry Boards (CCRB) investigated the potential of developing a single clinical exercise physiologist certification exam in 2016 and 2017. This yielded two major takeaways: (1) employers have difficulty differentiating between CEPs and RCEPs in job descriptions or performance goals and (2) a single clinical certification would substantially clarify and strengthen matters for exam candidates, university programs, employers, and the clinical exercise professionals.

    Based on this information, the ACSM CCRB will develop and maintain a single clinical exercise physiologist examination - ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist® (ACSM-CEP®). The ACSM-CEP® content domains will include:

    • Domain I. Patient Assessment
    • Domain II. Exercise Testing
    • Domain III. Exercise Prescription
    • Domain IV. Exercise Training and Leadership
    • Domain V. Education and Behavior Change
    • Domain VI. Legal and Professional Responsibilities

    ACSM will provide additional details which include content weighting, specific job tasks, and levels of cognitive complexity on the ACSM Certification website ( The goal is to launch an operational beta form of the ACSM-CEP® exam in December 2018.

    The minimum requirements for the ACSM-CEP® will be the following:

    • Master's degree in Exercise Physiology or equivalent and 600 hours of hands-on, clinical experience.


    • Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, or equivalent and 1,200 hours of hands-on, clinical experience.

    In addition, ACSM and the new Clinical Exercise Physiology Association (CEPA) will co-develop a formal and widely promoted Registry of Clinical Exercise Physiologists. The aim of the Registry is to not only emphasize the value ACSM-CEPs bring to health care teams, but to highlight those individuals in the registry who have achieved a standard of excellence beyond entry level certification. All current RCEPs will automatically qualify for the Registry, and additional details and progress reports about the new registry will be released later this year.

    So, what does this mean to currently practicing CEPs and RCEPs, beyond greater visibility and clarity to all? Clinical certificants in good standing will not need to retake their clinical exams or provide additional documentation. Certificants will be automatically migrated to the ACSM-CEP program, and certification numbers, login information, and CEC history will remain intact. In addition, ACSM will reissue and mail hard-copy credentials to the address we have on file for you.

    Clinical Exercise Physiologists will unquestionably remain the gold standard for the exercise profession. ACSM and CEPA will be strategically focused on boosting the prominence of the clinical exercise professional to current and future employers, refining and clarifying the important role they play in preventing, managing, and treating chronic diseases and conditions in health care and throughout society, and improving the quality of care for patients. Please contact us via if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

    In health,

    Francis B. Neric, M.S., M.B.A.
    ACSM National Director of Certification

    Meir Magal, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-CEP®
    ACSM Certification Board (CCRB), Chair 

    Brad Roy, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-CEP®
    ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiology, Credentialing Chair

    Michael Lynch, M.S., ACSM-RCEP®, RD
    ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiology, Committee Chair
