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  • ACSM Foundation Grants, A Recipient’s Perspective: Well-Timed Funding Supports New Lab

    by Caitlin Kinser | Oct 19, 2023

    blog jenna gillen grantResearchers: If you’re wondering whether it’s worth applying for an ACSM Foundation research grant, consider Dr. Jenna Gillen’s story. 

    Gillen, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto, leads an exercise metabolism research lab. When she applied for and was subsequently awarded an ACSM Research Endowment grant, she was at a critical point her career. 

    “It was the first grant I received as a new principal investigator,” Gillen says. “I had just gotten my faculty position, and so I was really grateful for this funding to help start my research lab.” 

    Gillen, who was inspired to pursue kinesiology and nutrition research after a particularly fruitful mentorship in her fourth year of undergraduate studies with Dr. Martin Gibala, now researches the effects of different exercise and nutrition strategies on carbohydrate metabolism, both from the perspective of basic science and in terms of overall health outcomes. 

    “We know that exercise is good for blood sugar regulation and improves insulin sensitivity, but there are still unanswered questions regarding the types of exercise that are most effective and the underlying mechanisms,” Gillen says. 

    The ACSM funding allowed Gillen to get her lab up and running; the initial study she was pursuing, which led to the publication of “Interrupting prolonged sitting with repeated chair stands or short walks reduces postprandial insulinemia in healthy adults,” required proficiency in a number of research techniques, from exercise testing, blood sampling, muscle biopsies, nutritional preparation, wet lab analysis, and molecular biology. (Gillen and her team would go on to publish a second manuscript, “Walking or body weight squat ‘activity snacks’ increase dietary amino acid utilization for myofibrillar protein synthesis during prolonged sitting,” under the auspices of the same ACSM grant.) 

    “All of those methods were required to conduct the project that ACSM gave us the funding for, so it allowed me to establish these methods within my lab at the University of Toronto,” she says. 

    The boost from ACSM put Gillen in a position to train up her graduate students in these critical techniques, giving her and her team the foundation they needed to pursue their subsequent research. The grant also supported a fruitful partnership for Gillen and her trainees with another member of the Toronto faculty: 

    “This project wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my faculty colleague Daniel Moore, who is an expert in protein metabolism and exercise,” Gillen says. “We collaborated on the project to explore the effect of activity snacks on both postprandial glucose and protein metabolism. The grant assisted in supporting that collaboration, which also resulted in an enriching and cross-disciplinary learning environment for our trainees.” 

    But because Gillen received the grant in 2019, the team found their work somewhat unexpectedly and abruptly interrupted by COVID-19 lockdowns, and they weren’t able to get into the lab for some time. Fortunately, they had already completed most of their initial research, and ACSM was able to bridge the gap. 

    “ACSM was really helpful. They were very generous with grant extensions, which allowed us to fulfill the project goals under fairly challenging times,” Gillen says. 

    Despite the interruption, the research itself was rather fast paced. In a short while, Gillen was able to use results gleaned from the original ACSM-backed work to apply for further funding — a key step for a new PI. 

    “We ran the study quite quickly,” Gillen says. “We were able to get ethics approval right away. The project took about a year to run, and then we were quick on analysis. So within two to three years of getting the grant, we were able to use some of that data to apply to more grants.” 

    Gillen and her team are now working on a number of projects focused on understanding how exercise alters insulin sensitivity and associated mechanisms. For example, they are investigating if pre- and post-exercise nutrition modulate the glycemic effects of exercise, and exploring if there are sex-based differences in skeletal muscle mechanisms underlying exercise-induced improvements in insulin sensitivity. 

    What would Gillen say to someone on the fence about applying for an ACSM Foundation grant? 

    “It’s such a great opportunity to generate initial data that could be leveraged for larger grants and additional projects,” she notes. “Also, getting a grant from ACSM, a prestigious exercise organization — having that on my CV is valuable as well. All around it was a fantastic opportunity.” 

    Applications for ACSM Foundation research grants are due Nov. 10.

    Learn More And Apply

  • Coaching Skills for Deep Empathy

    by Greg Margason | Oct 18, 2023
    Coaching Skills for Deep Empathy

    Psychologist Carl Rogers believed that every person is naturally inclined to grow in a positive direction, not only for themselves but for society and their community. Rogers therefore suggested that it’s unhelpful and unnecessary to center a coaching or therapeutic relationship on telling, directing, and prescribing. When such relationships are grounded instead in authenticity, warmth, and empathetic understanding, patients are more likely to grow — and to stick with that growth. 

    Authenticity — showing up as ourselves with the best of our personalities — may actually come quite easily to us, particularly as we enter into the later stages of our careers set on a firm foundation of competence and experience. And warmth is likely a strength of yours as well. After all, you entered this field because of your care for others and passion for their well-being. 

    But what if we’re not naturally empathetic? Is it possible to learn how to be empathetic? 

    First, let’s examine the different types of empathy. Helen Reiss, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, describes three types: cognitive, emotional, and compassionate. 

    1. Cognitive empathy enables one to make a guess about how another person feels and what they might be thinking. This type of empathy allows us to acknowledge that the other person has thoughts and feelings separate from our own. This is a learned skill. 

    1. Emotional empathy refers to when one feels what another feels. We imagine the inner experience of the other person based on our own past experience. While examining our own experiences can help point us to what the other person might be feeling, it can also be a dangerous temptation to see the situation through our own eyes rather than theirs. 

    1. Compassionate empathy is what moves us to respond to another person’s feelings and care about their welfare, offering a compassionate response. However, this can also lead to distress when we take on the responsibility of another person’s choices, leading to burnout. 

    The healthiest approach for you and your patient is one that allows you to explore how the other person is feeling and acknowledge it — and to care about their situation without the “righting” or “fixing” reflex that can undermine their autonomy and make us feel emotionally bound up in their situation. 

    By the way, this isn’t just about getting through empathy and on to the “real work” of goal-setting and action-planning. Empathy in health care providers actually leads to better clinical outcomes, better understanding of symptoms and more effective treatment plans. 

    Five Steps to Feelings  

    Here are five practical ways to bring empathy into your work. 

    1. Be humble. Humility allows us to fairly consider others’ experiences, perspectives, beliefs and desires even if they don’t align with our own. For the health care practitioner with a passion for well-being, it can be challenging to see through the lens of those who are overweight, don’t exercise, etc. Humility encourages us to recognize our own shortcomings and extend grace to those in circumstances that differ from our own. 

    1. Expand your vocabulary. Familiarize yourself with a more extensive tool kit of words that describe feelings. You can guess that patients might feel happy, mad, sad, or glad. But refining your language — incorporating words like “delighted,” “scared,” “disconnected,” or “satisfied” will help you and your patient have a clearer understanding of what is happening for them. And that understanding will lead to better behaviors and solutions. 

    1. Listen for more than words. Our fight-or-flight response lives in the same area of our brain where tone of voice and facial expressions reside. In other words, our patients’ feelings are often right there for us to see if we simply look. Listen for the cues in the shape of their words and watch for the cues written on their face as they deliver them. Never take words alone as the whole story. 

    1. Let go of being “right.” Check in with your intentions about your relationship with your patient. Do you feel inclined to correct, be in charge, or change their mind? Or do you seek to connect, partner with them, and learn about their perspective?  

    1. Practice self-compassion. Empathy begins with compassion for yourself. In the spirit of the great song lyric from Travis Meadows, “You push it down, it comes out sideways,” take the necessary steps for self-care before each conversation. With your new vocabulary for feelings, ask yourself, “What am I feeling in this moment and why?” Be intentional about setting aside any feelings that might interfere with your ability to show up fully to your patient, and give yourself permission to revisit them at a set time.  

    Find more resources from Wellcoaches here

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  • Active Voice | Brain Metastases and the Importance of Skilled Exercise Trainers

    by Greg Margason | Oct 10, 2023

    Brain MetastasisResearch in the field of exercise oncology has created a large and consistent body of knowledge regarding the benefits of physical exercise throughout the cancer continuum. In this regard, several international organizations, in particular the American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM), have published recommendations based on the existing evidence that justifies the need for appropriately programmed physical exercise for the prevention and management of cancer-related side effects such as fatigue, loss of function, or anxiety and depression. 

    These recommendations were largely based on studies that included patients without metastases. The exercise effects in people with metastases have not yet been extensively studied, and these patients are often excluded from clinical trials. In this context, the EFFECT study (NCT04120298) was conducted at centers in Europe and Australia to assess the effects of physical exercise on quality of life, fatigue, and other side effects in people with metastatic breast cancer. The exercise program was structured, individualized, progressive, and supervised. The program duration was nine months and included balance, resistance, and aerobic training two days per week for the first six months and one day per week from the seventh to the ninth month. 

    Over the course of the EFFECT study, we had a case, published in the October 2023 issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®, of particular interest to exercise professionals. The case highlights the value of adding supervised exercise to the treatment of patients with metastatic disease. 

    One of our participants, a 75-year-old woman, had regularly attended the training program under the direct supervision of the same physical trainer. During the seventh month of training, the trainer noticed some subtle changes in the patient’s motor function. For example, the patient displayed issues during balance exercises, and she required longer rest intervals or a reduction in load during aerobic training. Additionally, the loaded movements that she had previously mastered, such as the bench press, became more uncoordinated. The trainer also noticed the patient had a slightly slower eyelid movement. However, the patient did not seem concerned about the changes, and when the trainer suggested she discuss these changes with her oncologist, the patient’s own indifference delayed this. Suspecting brain metastases based on the patient’s subtle deterioration in neurological functioning, and with the patient's permission, the trainer herself spoke to the clinician, who immediately ordered an MRI scan, which confirmed the suspected brain metastases. 

    The primary lesson of this case is that exercise trainers by the nature of their profession can detect small but important changes in motor function that patients, relatives, or clinicians themselves may not be able to detect in the early stages of brain metastases. This highlights the importance of proper qualification and education, especially for supervising people with diseases like cancer, and the advantages of supervised exercise training. At the same time, it is necessary to create adequate channels of communication between the patient, trainer, and clinician to ensure that relevant information is conveyed in a timely manner. Although early detection of brain metastases does not result in prolonged survival in every patient, for some patients this can be the case and for others early treatment might prevent further loss of quality of life. 

    In summary, our case report adds another advantage to implementing supervised physical exercise as part of routine cancer care. It emphasizes the importance of skilled exercise trainers and the benefit of a close collaboration between the medical team and exercise professionals. 

    Acknowledgements: The EFFECT study is part of the PREFERABLE project and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No. 825677). The study is also co-funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (2028/GNT1170698). 

    Mireia Pelaez
    Dr. Mireia Pelaez
    ’s research focuses on the effects of physical exercise in special populations, specifically cancer (treatment-related side effects) and pregnancy (excessive weight gain and its consequences). She currently combines her teaching activity as an associate professor at the European University of the Atlantic in Santander, Spain, with her research activity as a project manager for GoNorte and freelance consultant. You can find Dr. Pelaez at Instagram or X: @mireia_pelaez.

    Anne MayDr. Anne May is a professor of the clinical epidemiology of cancer survivorship and director of research at the Julius Center at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands. She investigates the effects of lifestyle on treatment-related side effects and prognosis as well as in the underlying mechanisms, with a special emphasis on physical activity and exercise. Dr. May has served on lifestyle- and cancer-related guideline panels (ACSM/ASCO/WCRF) and is the principle investigator for several large national and international exercise RCTs, including Preferable ( and Preferable II ( You can connect with Dr. May at X: @annemariamay and follow PREFERABLE at X: @preferable_mbc.

  • Lippincott® Connect Courseware: Paving the Way to Success for ACSM Students and Instructors

    by Caitlin Kinser | Oct 09, 2023

    blog cover for lippencott connect courseware featuring a male instructor sitting on a desk*Updated July 2024

    In the ever-evolving world of exercise science, staying ahead of the curve is vital for both students and instructors. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has long been a trusted source of knowledge and standards in this field. In this blog post, we'll explore how Wolters Kluwer addresses various educational needs through our updated Lippincott® Connect offerings, ensuring student success, instructor effectiveness and preparation for ACSM certification. 

    Teaching to ACSM Standards 

    One of the fundamental needs of educators and students in the realm of exercise science is access to trusted resources and standards. Wolters Kluwer and ACSM have you covered with a robust lineup of educational offerings. Lippincott® Connect has evolved from an interactive eBook to a courseware solution, offering an all-in-one learning experience combining the eBook with multimedia content and assessment. Currently, there are two ACSM titles available with Lippincott® Connect, with many more titles releasing on December 1st… including ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 11th edition! See below for the full list of ACSM titles offered with Lippincott® Connect. 

    Ensuring Student Success 

    Wolters Kluwer understands that student success is the ultimate goal, both in the classroom and beyond. To achieve this, we offer an array of products designed to provide instant feedback to students. This feedback, in the form of answer explanations and references to the book content, not only helps students understand where they went wrong but also encourages those who may be hesitant to seek extra help during office hours. With resources like quizzes, videos, video questions, and adaptive learning through PrepU for select titles, students have a wealth of interactive tools at their disposal. 

    Support for Instructors 

    Instructors play a pivotal role in guiding students toward success. Wolters Kluwer recognizes this and provides valuable tools for instructors to monitor and support student performance. With insight into student performance data, instructors can tailor their instruction and discussions more effectively. This information helps identify class-wide struggles and individual students who may be at risk. Instructors can then adapt their teaching strategies to address these challenges head-on. We also offer many instructor resources to accompany your course, including PowerPoint presentations for lectures, image banks and a sequestered bank of test questions, all designed to support instruction of the text. 

    Preparation for ACSM Certification 

    For students looking to pursue ACSM certification, we have integrated our certification books and Guidelines into our courseware (starting Dec 1). This integration streamlines the learning process, making it more convenient and accessible. Additionally, PrepU mastery level quizzes will be offered in ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer, 6e, ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist: A Practical Guide for the Health Fitness Professional, 3e and ACSM's Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor, 2e. Lippincott® Connect courseware also offers self-study options for those seeking certification outside of traditional classroom settings, ensuring that aspiring certified professionals can prepare at their own pace. 

    Adapting to Various Teaching Needs 

    Wolters Kluwer recognizes that instructors often teach multiple courses, each with its own unique requirements. To ease this burden, we offer a strong selection of instructor resources integrated into Lippincott® Connect, aligned with each text. This integration allows for customization, enabling instructors to select what to assign, when and with what point values. It's a flexible approach that caters to instructors' diverse needs while still maintaining a cohesive learning experience. 

    Catering to Diverse Student Groups 

    Lippincott® Connect’s instructor insight into student performance is a valuable tool for instructors dealing with classes of various sizes and students pursuing different career paths. This feature helps instructors gauge where each student stands academically and where the entire class may be struggling. It identifies students at risk and pinpoints the topics they find most challenging, allowing instructors to provide targeted support. 

    ACSM and Wolters Kluwer’s commitment to meeting the diverse needs of both students and instructors in the field of exercise science is evident in this comprehensive range of resources and products. By offering trusted texts, tools for student success, certification preparation and support for instructors, ACSM continues to foster excellence in exercise science education. 

    The following titles are currently available on Lippincott® Connect: 

    For more information, or to request a demonstration of the new Lippincott® Connect, please contact your sales representative. 

  • 6 Tips for Getting Your Students to ACSM Meetings and Events

    by Caitlin Kinser | Oct 09, 2023

    "6 tips for getting your students to ACSM meetings and events" over an image of two college students high-fiving each other at the ACSM SummitThe ACSM Health & Fitness Summit and ACSM Regional Chapter meetings are great opportunities for exercise science and sports medicine students of all stripes, whether undergrad or graduate, to expand their horizons in their chosen field.  

    But of course, it isn’t always easy to get students to commit to events like these. For one, students have busy schedules already, and adding something else to the calendar, especially something that requires travel and an overnight stay or two, can seem daunting.  

    For another, it’s tough to miss out on your other courses. And then there are the financial considerations involved. 

    But none of this is insurmountable. Faculty members Julia Buchanan, Ph.D., ACSM-EP®, EIM and Zakkoyya H. Lewis Ph.D., ACSM-EP®, EIM, offer up some helpful tips for getting your students onboard.  

    1. Tie meeting attendance to one of your courses. At her university, Dr. Buchanan is able to offer a one-credit-hour special topics course. Counting toward elective credit, this course requires students to attend a meeting and then complete a suit of related assignments based on their conference experience. For her part, Dr. Lewis has students choose a topic to research further based on one of the presentations they attended. 

    2. Provide a letter of absence for their other classes. Your students might feel intimidated by the idea of telling their other professors they’re going to miss class. Giving them a letter (on official letterhead) explaining why they’re going to be absent, where they’re going, and why it’s important for their educational trajectory can go a long way. 

    3. Given them all the advance notice in the world. Some students are type A, on-the-ball people who jot down everything and constantly organize and reorganize their calendars. But many others are a little more lax. The earlier you can make your classes aware of an upcoming event — and continually remind them of its approach — the better. This isn’t just important for scheduling purposes — often, early registration confers benefits like reduced attendance fees. 

    4. Hold an information session early in the semester. Instead of just mentioning the conference in class, it might be helpful to actually spend a chunk of time at the beginning of the semester talking about why these meetings are important — from the simple experience of seeing a professional conference to rubbing shoulders with peers and colleagues to actively making career-forwarding connections. 

    5. Hold regular group meetings before the event. Dr. Buchanan notes, “Leading up to the conference, students must attend several group meetings that outline the course expectations and assignments that they will need to complete after the conference. The meetings also discuss expectations and tips for attending a professional conference (since this is a first for many of them). This is also a great way for the students to start to get to know one another before the trip.” 

    6. Offset the cost of attendance. As stated in tip No. 3, getting the word out early about meetings can give your students a chance to take advantage of early bird registration savings. But there’s more you can do to make things affordable, from asking your department or the university at large if they would be able to cover some of the registration fees and travel costs, or provide university transportation. Another option is to see whether your program’s student org would be interested in fundraising. 

    But once you’re at an event, or after you’ve attended one, what then? Drs. Buchanan and Lewis suggest a number of options. One, remember that this is also a marketing opportunity for your program — take photos and videos to showcase what your students experience. Sharing the highlights of your trip with ACSM, your colleagues, and your school is a great way to get noticed. 

    Two, consider holding a recap session where students can share their take on the presentations they attended. You can even formalize this a bit. As Lewis notes, “After the conference, students were required to give presentations that summarized their experience at the conference. Establishing conference attendance as a course requirement forces students to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from and network with others in the field.” 

    Hopefully you’ve found these tips helpful—we look forward to seeing you and your students at the next ACSM event! 

    For more information, check out ACSM’s Meetings & Events page
