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  • Active Voice | Exercising a New Path: Insights from the ACSM Roundtable on NAFLD and Physical Activity

    by Greg Margason | Sep 11, 2023

    NAFLDThe growing prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, is quite astounding. With one in three people affected worldwide, NAFLD is a substantial public health issue that demands attention. Characterized by excessive fat deposition in the liver, NAFLD is typically found in the setting of metabolic dysfunction. If uncorrected, NAFLD can progress to advanced liver disease and may require life-saving liver transplantation.

    The urgency to tackle NAFLD at an early stage cannot be emphasized enough — early intervention could spare patients from the dire consequences of advanced liver disease.

    Physical activity is a formidable tool in the fight against NAFLD. In recognition of this, in July 2022, the American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM) assembled experts from across the globe for the inaugural International Multidisciplinary Roundtable on Physical Activity and NAFLD. This initiative yielded a wealth of insight, encapsulated in 30 consensus statements that are backed by high-quality scientific evidence. The summative ACSM roundtable statement in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® provides the busy clinician with a comprehensive framework for incorporating physical activity as a therapeutic strategy for all with NAFLD.

    Within the roundtable statement can be found a compelling portrait of the substantial evidence supporting the undeniable benefits of regular physical activity. From reducing liver fat to enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness to decreasing cardiovascular risk and even contributing to an improved quality of life, the breadth of positive outcomes is impressive. What’s striking is that these advantages are attainable without a significant emphasis on the loss of body weight — physical activity seems to exert a distinct influence on NAFLD beyond the simple shedding of pounds. Furthermore, the statement underscores the potential of regular physical activity to mitigate the risk of primary liver and extrahepatic cancers. Given the heightened risk faced by individuals with NAFLD, this is a crucial point to consider. It’s not just about liver health, but the overall well-being of the individual.

    Additionally, it’s important to discuss how we translate the roundtable guidance into day-to-day clinical practice. Really, it all begins with the routine interactions between clinicians and individuals with NAFLD. It is crucial to use these moments for screening and initiating discussions about physical activity to plant the seeds of change. Moreover, when patient-centered language and techniques like motivational interviewing are used during these conversations, we demonstrate our understanding of the individual’s perspective and needs and acknowledge the complexities of human behavior. When an individual feels understood and supported, they’re more likely to engage in the necessary steps for their well-being. It’s not just about relaying information; it’s about building a rapport and instilling a sense of empowerment.

    When we discuss physical activity with our patients with NAFLD, there are complexities we need to consider. It’s quite clear that a personalized approach is essential. The heterogeneity of disease stage, physical limitations, and prior experience with being physically active necessitates a tailored approach, and there’s certainly a no one-size-fits-all regimen. That’s where the concept of the cumulative dose of activity comes into play, where variation in time under tension may improve adherence and allow clinicians to craft programs that align with their patients’ circumstances and preferences. What if a clinician is too pressed for time or lacks the necessary expertise? This is where a referral to an ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist® can play a crucial role in bridging the gap to ensure each patient receives the right guidance. However, when direct access to exercise professionals isn’t feasible, another option could be using telehealth and mobile health applications. These have shown promise in delivering lifestyle intervention programs remotely and have the potential to enhance the reach and impact of the physical activity recommendations to more individuals with NAFLD.

    In conclusion, the ACSM roundtable report shines light on the transformative potential of physical activity to impact individuals with NAFLD. It also serves as a rallying cry for health care providers, exercise professionals, and public health officials to embrace regular physical activity as a cornerstone of NAFLD patient care. While the fight against NAFLD appears quite complex, one solution is readily available and surprisingly simple — get moving.

    Jonathan Stine
    Dr. Jonathan Stine
    is an associate professor of medicine and public health science at Penn State, where he serves as the Fatty Liver Program director and Liver Center director of research. He is an internationally recognized expert on NAFLD and exercise and has authored >100 peer-reviewed papers. Stine is the recipient of multiple research grants from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American Cancer Society and has maintained continuous NIH funding since 2018. He served as co-chair for the ACSM Roundtable on Physical Activity and NAFLD and is the NAFLD consultant for Exercise is Medicine®. You can connect with Dr. Stine at TW: @JonathanStineMD

    Viewpoints presented in ACSM Bulletin commentaries reflect opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent positions or policies of ACSM. Dr. Stine receives research funding from Astra Zeneca; Galectin; Noom, Inc.; Novo Nordisk; and Zydus. He also consults for Novo Nordisk.

  • A Fitness Professional’s Introductory Guide to Assessing Static Posture: Part I

    by Greg Margason | Aug 29, 2023

    postureOver the last decade or so, assessing static and dynamic posture has become increasingly common during health and fitness assessments performed by certified fitness professionals with clients, athletes, and patients. This has been a great addition to certified fitness professionals’ toolboxes to assist in determining possible postural deviations and movement compensations that may be caused by muscular imbalances. These muscular imbalances may then be corrected through exercise performed with a certified fitness professional before they lead to either acute and/or chronic musculoskeletal conditions and pain. ACSM has recently introduced a static posture assessment via a plumb line in ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist: A Practical Guide for the Health Fitness Professional (3rd ed.).

    For the scope of this article series, we will simply be discussing how to perform a static postural assessment. However, there are some great resources available that can assist the certified fitness professional in assessing the movement of clients, athletes, and patients via dynamic assessments such as the overhead squat; single-leg squat; split-squat; gait analysis; jumping and landing; and upper-body pushing, pulling, and pressing. All of these are great follow-ups to confirm possible findings from the static postural assessment and lead to further single-joint mobility assessments to confirm any possible joint mobility issues.

    Static PostureWhen assessing static posture, the certified fitness professional will assess the client from both the anterior (Figure 1) and lateral (i.e., sagittal) view (Figure 2). Assessing the client from the posterior view (Figure 3) may be beneficial to confirm possible findings from the anterior view (specifically at the foot/ankle region) but will not be discussed in this article. Please note that this article will be assessing specific areas of the body from each view in an attempt to witness the three most common postural distortion syndromes: (a) pes planus/pronation distortion syndrome, (b) lower crossed syndrome, and (c) upper crossed syndrome.

    When assessing static posture, certified fitness professionals may use a plumb line to assist in witnessing possible postural deviations and/or asymmetries. However, a plumb line is not required. To learn how to hang a plumb line appropriately, please see the section of this webpage titled “Assessment.” Certified fitness professionals may also use posture assessment grids or simply line the client up to a vertical line of a wall as a reference point.

    Prior to assessing your client’s posture, please be sure that your client is wearing either shorts or yoga pants, a T-shirt or tank top, and has removed their footwear. Form-fitting clothing is preferred and will allow the certified fitness professional to more easily identify postural deviations. If a plumb line is used, the certified fitness professional should line the client up properly in both the anterior and lateral views, as well as the posterior view, if used. When assessing clients’ static posture, clients may become very self-conscious of their posture, which will affect the validity and reliability of the assessment. Therefore, the certified fitness professional should ask their client to stand naturally as if they were doing something like waiting for an elevator. The certified fitness professional may also ask the client to “shake everything out” prior to the assessment or even perform a few mini squats to allow the client to assume as natural a static posture as possible.

    From the anterior view, the client should stand facing the plumb line (if used), with the plumb line or line in the wall halfway between the client’s feet. The plumb line should be aligned with the client’s pubis. From the anterior view, the certified fitness professional is specifically assessing the posture of the feet, ankles, knees, and hips. When viewing the client from the lateral view, the plumb bob at the bottom of the plumb line (if used), should line up just anteriorly to the client’s lateral malleolus. From the lateral view, the certified fitness professional is specifically assessing the posture of the hips, pelvis, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, shoulder complex (i.e., scapula and shoulder joint), neck, and head. Please note, further body areas may be assessed. However, for the scope of this article, only the body areas mentioned above will be assessed.

    In the first part of this article series, we discussed the importance of certified fitness professionals performing static postural assessments with their clients, athletes, and patients. Within the second part of this article series, we will be describing the process of performing a static postural assessment, what an “ideal” static posture should look like, and common deviations from ideal posture that may indicate postural distortion syndromes such as pes planus/pronation distortion syndrome, lower crossed syndrome, and upper crossed syndrome.

    Related content: 
    Blog | A Fitness Professional’s Introductory Guide to Assessing Static Posture: Part II

    Related CEC Courses:
    Using Posture to Enhance Movement (1 CEC)
    Anatomy of Movement (5 CECs)

    Ryan Fairall
    Ryan R. Fairall, Ph.D., ACSM-EP, EIM, CSCS
    ,is an assistant professor of exercise science at Catawba College in Salisbury, N.C. He has worked in the fields of health/fitness and sports since the year 2000, has been a certified personal trainer since 2003, and has been an instructor in higher education since 2015. In his free time, Ryan enjoys being physically active — lifting weights, playing sports, kayaking, fishing, going on walks with his female Shih Tzu, Bledsoe, and watching his hometown Philadelphia sports teams, which can be very frustrating at times.

  • Cold Water Immersion: Friend or Froze?

    by Greg Margason | Aug 23, 2023
    Hot Topic Cold Water

    The Good

    Athletes today have a variety of cryotherapy options available to them. Cold water immersion (CWI) is the most studied cryotherapy application and the most commonly used modality for athletes at all competition levels in post-recovery regimens. CWI is thought to affect pain pathways through alpha and c-fibers, limit the inflammatory process and cell damage, expedite metabolite removal and improve energy metabolism. Utilizing CWI at 10°C (50°F) for 10 minutes demonstrated effective recovery at 72 hours. CWI has shown an ability to maintain aerobic metabolism by decreasing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and improving muscle oxygen saturation.

    Prescription: Frequency, Duration and Intensity

    CWI is beneficial for improving neuromuscular performance up to 24 hours, but does not extend past this period. CWI should include two exposures of 10°C (50°F) for five minutes each, and athletes should sit in ambient temperature for two minutes between exposures. Other studies have shown that the effectiveness of CWI is ideal when temperatures are between 11°C and 15°C (52-60°F) for 11 to 15 min to reduce DOMS and enhance recovery for athletes. The evidence for CWI appears to be strongest for whole-body endurance athletes, and the efficacy varies by sport. To mitigate the interference of CWI on specific strength and hypertrophy goals, many have shifted the use of CWI to four to six hours after exercise. There are only a few studies that have looked at the timing of CWI after exercise, and those found diminished but still beneficial outcomes with delayed CWI vs. immediate post-exercise CWI.

    The Bad

    Athletes and medical professionals should consider the following contraindications before utilizing CWI:

    • Prior cold injury
    • Claustrophobia
    • Raynaud’s disease
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Cryoglobulinemia
    • Cardiovascular disease (stage III or IV heart failure, CAD, unstable angina pectoris)
    • Uncontrolled hypertension
    • Sympathetic or sensory nervous system disorders

    Injury risks for CWI include:

    • Frostbite, cold water/exposure injury
    • Asphyxiation
    • Loss of consciousness

    The Ugly

    A 2015 study of 24 physically active men showed reduced strength and hypertrophy in the group that utilized CWI as an immediate post-exercise recovery tool. The group that performed low-impact active recovery had larger gains in strength and muscle hypertrophy at the end of 12 weeks. This has led many athletes, trainers and medical professionals to reconsider when and if they should use CWI.

    In addition to this, others conclude that CWI will inhibit the natural healing process. CWI leads to vasoconstriction, which limits the body’s ability to mobilize a cellular response to micro injuries induced by exercise. Critics argue that using cryotherapy mutes this process and may lead to chronic injuries as the body is not allowed to progress through its desired healing progression. Proponents argue that pain and discomfort should instead be treated with alternate methods that do not impede this first stage of the healing process.


    Overall, the body of research seems to support the use of CWI as a passive recovery tool. There are two options when enhancing recovery is the primary goal: two five-min periods at 10°C (50°F) with two minutes out of the bath at ambient temperature or single exposure for 11-15 minute duration between 11°C and 15°C (52-60°F). These two protocols have been studied to maximize recovery. Athletes and their medical team could utilize these protocols when facing back-to-back competitions during the season.

    During off-season training when regimens look to achieve greater muscle strength and hypertrophy, athletes are suggested to delay the cold water exposure for four to six hours after exercise. This should minimize the potential negative consequences of CWI and still offer the benefits of decreased pain, soreness and recovery time. CWI exposure early in the morning, prior to exercise, would be ideal to trigger the release of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, enhancing overall health and well-being while minimizing the impact to desired strength training later in the day. Utilizing CWI later in the day could affect sleep cycles with the release of these potent neurotransmitters.

    While there is evidence suggesting CWI’s potential to reduce inflammation, reduce cellular damage, improve recovery, and provide psychological benefits, it’s essential to approach this passive modality with caution and awareness. Individualization is key — what might work for one athlete may not work for another. As with any treatment strategy, consulting a health care professional or a sports medicine specialist is advisable, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns. So, if you’re ready to take the icy plunge, do so mindfully, and tailor its use to your specific goals. 

    Related CEC Courses: 
    Exercise and Metabolic Modulation (1 CEC)
    To Endure is Everything: New Discoveries in the Science of Endurance Exercise (1 CEC)

    LTC Michael-Flynn L. Cullen, MD
    LTC Michael-Flynn L. Cullen, MD
    , is a board-certified physiatrist and sports medicine physician currently serving as the primary care physician for Headquarters Battalion I Corps at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Tacoma, WA. He completed his residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and his fellowship at the University of California, Davis.

    Brian A. Davis, MD, FACSM, is a board-certified physiatrist and sports medicine physician currently serving with the Intermountain Healthcare system in Las Vegas, NV. He is a clinical professor with the Department of PM&R with UC Davis and the Department of Family and Community Medicine in the UNLV School of Medicine. 

  • Active Voice | Optimal Race Weight for Endurance Sports: A Complex Issue

    by Greg Margason | Aug 07, 2023
    Optimal Race Weight for Endurance Sports

    Sports performance is simple and definite. Someone wins, and someone else loses or comes second. Therefore, it is tempting to think in binary terms about other aspects of sports performance. The laws of physics predict that an increase in power-to-weight ratio will increase the speed of a body moving against gravity. If body fat (or other tissues not contributing to the power of movement) could be removed from our bodies as simply as removing Lego blocks, we should see an increase in running speed. Particularly for endurance athletes who move their body mass over long distances, often uphill. 

    Successful distance athletes are lean. Observations that they cycle body mass and body fat levels over the season, with short periods spent at “race weight,” supports the “lighter is better” theory. However, sport also includes a sad side. For example, the “fat shaming” of Mary Cain and other promising athletes whose careers were cut short and made miserable by the pressure to be lighter and leaner. Relative energy deficiency in sport (REDS) describes a syndrome of health and performance impairments associated with problematic low energy availability (LEA) — chronic and severe exposure to undereating and/or overtraining that is often associated with weight loss attempts. 

    Our study, published in the August 2023 issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®, was undertaken in recognition of the complexity of the issues. We attempted to investigate a real-world scenario — recruiting elite athletes (national-and international-level male and female race walkers) and involving real-life races (10,000 track races with judges and prize money). 

    Previous laboratory and free-living studies of low energy availability have required participants to eat and exercise according to the same energy characteristics each day. Our approach, the Supernova camp protocol, manipulated tight dietary control around a real-life periodized training program where sessions change in volume, intensity and energy cost each day. After completing a test block, half of the race walkers completed 15 days of training (~19 km per day) with high energy availability (3,700 kcal per day) while the others commenced with six days of high energy before switching to nine days of severe energy restriction (~1,500 kcal per day reduction). All athletes reverted to a high-carbohydrate, high-energy preparation for post-intervention testing, just as they’d consumed for the first test block. 

    This ~41% reduction in caloric intake created meaningful changes to body composition, with athletes losing ~2 kg of total body mass. Meanwhile, high daily intakes of protein were largely able to preserve muscle mass. Adherence to this diet resulted in increased perceptions of stress and fatigue, and a decrease in training quality. The walkers were ~4% faster in Race 2. However, a similar improvement was seen in the weight loss group as the group who consumed a high-energy diet for the duration of the study. In fact, when looking at all athletes in the study, there was no correlation between changes in body mass and changes in race performance. 

    There are different ways to interpret these findings. The simplest view is that being lighter does not guarantee a better performance. The more nuanced is that performance in competitive endurance sport is multifactorial — and real-life athletes can’t remove body fat like Lego blocks without changing key influencers such as fuel levels, training quality and recovery, confidence/mood and potential loss of muscle mass. Our weight loss program was short and severe, achieving a 3% body mass loss. It caused acute impairment of energy levels and quality of life, but we were able to reverse this and restore race performance via 24 hours of refuelling. 

    We emphasise that such severe energy restriction is not a chronic solution to body composition manipulation. However, if minor alterations are required, this protocol could be tweaked to include in the athlete’s annual plan either as a periodic activity or as a strategically placed activity to allow recovery before a race. Our final observation is that for an issue that is such a highly discussed and important topic in sports performance, there are pitifully few high-quality studies. 

    Related CEC Courses:
    Extraordinary Exercise and Cardiovascular Health: Can there be too Much of a Good Thing? (1 CEC)
    Current Sports Medicine Reports: Nutrition & Ergogenic Aids (6 CECs)

    Louise BurkeLouise Burke, Ph.D., is a sports dietitian with 40 years of experience in the education and counselling of elite athletes. She was head of sports nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport and the team dietitian for the Australian Olympic Teams (1996-2012). She is currently chair in sports nutrition in the Mary MacKillop Institute of Health Research at Australian Catholic University, has over 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is an editor of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Louise was a founding member of the Executive of Sports Dietitians Australia, is a director of the IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition and an ACSM fellow. She was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2009 for her contribution to sports nutrition. 

    Jamie Whitfield
    Jamie Whitfield
    earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology and muscle metabolism from the University of Guelph (Canada) and is now a research fellow in the Exercise and Nutrition Research Program at Australian Catholic University (Melbourne, Australia). His research utilizes a variety of research models to gain a better understanding of how nutrient availability alters skeletal muscle metabolism and whether it can promote or inhibit training adaptation and, ultimately, human performance capacity. 

    Viewpoints presented in ACSM Bulletin commentaries reflect opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent positions or policies of ACSM. Active Voice authors who have received financial or other considerations from a commercial entity associated with their topic must disclose such relationships at the time they accept an invitation to write for the ACSM Bulletin. 

  • 5 Reasons College Students Should Get an ACSM Personal Trainer Certification

    by Greg Margason | Aug 02, 2023
    5 Reasons  for Undergrads to Become ACSM Personal Trainers

    1. Your college classes become way more interesting.

    So much of the university experience can feel like it’s completely separate from the real world. But if you’re in exercise science or a related field, earning an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer® (ACSM-CPT) certification will help you translate what you’re learning in the classroom into practical tools for your daily life.  

    It could be as simple as practicing how to apply what you’ve learned in class to your own personal workout, or it could go much further — with an ACSM certification in hand, you can jumpstart your career by becoming a personal trainer, either at your university athletic facility or at a nearby gym, fitness studio or boutique. You'll be gaining valuable experience and earning money!

    Here’s what Breaking Through Wellness owner Louise Valentine, who holds ACSM-EP, ACSM-CPT and ACSM-EIM II certifications and was ACSM’s 2023 Certified Professional of the Year, has to say:  

    “After passing my ACSM-CPT exam, I made sure to get a training job right away. I couldn’t wait to go to my classes to learn something new to help my clients!” 

    2. You’ll be more marketable after college — and able to earn more.

    Most employers are looking at three specific factors when choosing the candidate they’re going to hire: education, certifications and work experience. By making sure you’ve got all three on your résumé, you can feel confident that you’ll stand out from the crowd. 

    And if you’re getting certified, why not get the best personal training certification out there? The ACSM-CPT is at the top of the pile — Forbes named it the No. 1 personal training certification for 2023

    3. You’ll be able to dial in your educational track.

    By becoming a certified personal trainer, you’ll get hands-on experience with the types of work you could do after you graduate, meaning you can see whether you prefer teaching group exercise classes, one-on-one sessions, circuit training, etc. 

    As a certified fitness instructor, you’ll get paid to experiment and learn about all these aspects of an exercise science and sports medicine career — all while still studying for your undergraduate degree. If you find you like or dislike certain styles of personal training, it’ll allow you to pivot in your studies and pursue the parts of the field that are more interesting to you. 

    For instance, Valentine says, “[A] classmate shared while working as a CPT he quickly learned he loved training older adults and those coming back from injury. He used his undergrad CPT job to build a strong application to get into his PT school of choice and is now a successful Doctor of Physical Therapy.” 

    4. You’ll learn soft skills — boosting your hireability.

    Personal trainers spend a lot, if not most, of their time working directly with clients. Earning your CPT certification as an undergrad will give you the opportunity to hone your soft skills, giving you an edge against other job applicants once you graduate. If you can clearly and concisely explain exercises and complex movements to tired, (and occasionally unmotivated) people, you’ll be able to present yourself well and make your thoughts heard in any scenario. 

    Kristin Traskie, ACSM-CPT, EIM, is the Fitness & Wellness Program Coordinator for Michigan State University’s Student Health & Wellness Health Promotion division and the inaugural winner of ACSM’s Certified Professional of the Year Award. To her mind, “Common soft skills for a personal trainer role include interpersonal communication, flexibility/adaptability, empathy, problem-solving, conflict resolution and motivational skills. Having these skills will position you for success in an evolving world.” 

    5. Flexibility.

    One of the best reasons to become a personal trainer is that certified fitness instructors often get to work flexible hours, perfect for students who need to fit their work schedules around classes and study time. If you’re looking for a source of income while you’re still in school, it’s hard to beat the routinely flexible hours of a personal trainer. 

    Traskie recalls: “In college, I was able to train around my class schedule and extracurriculars. I trained at the campus recreation center and taught fitness classes at a local gym.” 

    Bonus reason:

    Improving your own health. A final benefit of becoming a certified PT? You get to take everything you learn about health, exercise and nutrition and apply it to your own life. Every time you teach your clients, look up new exercise programming, or brush up on your nutrition knowledge, you reinforce these same things for yourself. 

    As Traskie says, “The advanced health, exercise and nutrition knowledge and skills you learn becoming and working as certified personal trainer will be valuable for your entire life. Not only will you be able to support others in achieving their health and fitness goals, but you can utilize the same knowledge and skills to achieve your goals.” 

    Ready to take the next step? Learn how to become an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer®

    Related Content: 
    Resource | ACSM Career Guide
    Course | ACSM-CPT® Prep Course & Exam Bundle
    Blog | 5 Skills of High Performers in the Fitness Industry

    Louise Valentine headshot
    is the 2023 American College of Sports Medicine Certified Professional of the Year.  She owns Breaking Through Wellness, where she educates and empowers women ages 35 and beyond to maximize health, fitness and running despite changing hormones. 

    kristin-traskie-headshot-circleKristin A. Traskie, M.P.H., ACSM-CPT, EIM is the fitness and wellness coordinator in the Health Promotion Department at Michigan State University (MSU). Traskie’s mission is clear: Create a culture of health and well-being on campus and in the surrounding community. In addition to ACSM certifications, she also holds certifications from several other organizations. She uses research-backed knowledge from those fitness certifications to create holistic wellness and movement opportunities. Her work through MSU’s Health Promotion Department, Exercise is Medicine® on Campus initiative, Well-Being Coalition and The SPARTANfit Fitness and Wellness Program is improving health outcomes and life satisfaction for students.
