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  • Camínalo*: My LDTP Pathway

    by Caitlin Kinser | Nov 14, 2022

    4 smiling peopleIt was during the third year of my Ph.D. work at Boston University when I received a call from my undergraduate mentor at the University of Puerto Rico, and now colleague and friend, Julio Morales, Ph.D. Dr. Morales had a suggestion, he said “you should apply for the ACSM’s leadership program for minorities.” He explained what he knew about the program and guided me to where I could find more information about it. He was referring to the ACSM’s Leadership and Diversity Training Program (LDTP). The LDTP is a program aimed to support, mentor, retain and guide members from racial/ethnic minority groups throughout the ACSM Fellowship path.

    In 2010 during the ACSM Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, I was part of the cohort selected as mentees for the 2010-2011 LDTP. I remember entering a private room at a restaurant near the Oriole’s baseball field, the iconic Camden Yards, and meeting a group of young individuals and their mentors that today I call brothers and sisters. Later that evening it was time for me to meet my LDTP mentor, one of the most incredibly humble human beings that I’ve ever met in my life, ACSM past president Larry Armstrong, PhD., FACSM. Since that moment Dr. Armstrong truly put me “under his wing” and there’s no major event, personal or professional, that I don’t receive a call or an email from him. As a mentor, Dr. Armstrong offered meaningful support and guidance when I asked, checked on my personal and professional successes and setbacks always with clear boundaries but genuine comfort and true professional congeniality.

    In 2011, as a mentor, Dr. Armstrong asked me to develop a symposium with him for the New England ACSM chapter annual meeting, and it was an amazing experience. In 2016, I consulted him when I was offered a postdoctoral position. In 2017, Dr. Armstrong called when hurricane María devastated my beautiful Puerto Rico. And in 2019 he sent one of the most encouraging replies I’ve ever received in my life, when I asked him via email for a recommendation letter toward my fellowship application.

    As you can tell by now, the role of mentors has been a very special one in my professional development. So let me introduce you another mentor and friend that ACSM and the LDTP gave me the opportunity to have in my life: ACSM past president, NiCole Keith, PhD., FACSM. I met Dr. Keith as the organizer of the LDTP in 2010 during that evening in Baltimore. Right away I realized how much she cared, not only for the program, but for all of us mentees, individually and as a collective. It was clear by her passionate speech that her goal was not only for ACSM to become a more diverse organization within its membership, but within its leadership as well.

    It was Dr. Keith during the 2019 conference in Orlando who stopped me while I was walking toward the convention center and asked me “when are you applying for fellowship?” I gathered my thoughts, and with a nervous voice I replied with another question, “Can I get a recommendation letter from you?” Later that year I submitted my application for fellowship with recommendations from past president, Dr. Armstrong, and (at the time) president-elect, Dr. Keith.

    Today, I’m an assistant professor, an ACSM Fellow and mentor in the LDTP. I have been a candidate for the Health Equity, Inclusion and Diversity trustee position on ACSM’s Board of Trustees, co-chair of the ACSM Minority Health and Research Special Interest Group and member of the ACSM Membership Committee. Currently I am co-chair of the Diversity Network communication sub-committee and was recently appointed as a member of the ACSM Communication and Public Information Committee. All these great opportunities were possible thanks to my participation on the LDTP.

    The LDTP is not only a program where participants engage in meetings and experiences with current ACSM leaders. It’s also a program that promotes collegial and fraternal relationships among its participants and solidify the path toward a diverse and inclusive leadership of our beloved ACSM. I encourage my fellow members, colleagues and those in position of guidance and mentorship, to get involved and promote this great opportunity for your underrepresented students and mentees.

    Apply for the LDTP**

    Apply to be a LDTP Mentor

    *“Camínalo” means “walk it” in Spanish.
    **Must be logged in with ACSM ID to access application.

    Mario Muñoz headshotMario A. Muñoz, Ph.D., FACSM, is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, where he coordinates the Human Performance and Wellness Management Program. He is an ACSM Leadership & Diversity Training Program alumnus and has been an ACSM Fellow since 2019. Dr. Muñoz served as co-chair of the ACSM Minority Health and Research Special Interest Group. Currently, Dr. Muñoz serves on the ACSM Diversity Action Committee and ACSM Communication and Public Information Committee.

  • The Short- and Long-Term Benefits of Presenting Your Work at the ACSM Annual Meeting

    by Caitlin Kinser | Nov 14, 2022
    4 people standing in front of a sign that says san diego
    L-R: Cynthia Weiner, Sara Mascone, Emily Blake, Dr. Sushant Ranadive
    I presented an abstract at the  ACSM Annual Meeting for the first time this June. The morning of my poster session, as I walked through the giant room filled with research posters from labs all over the country (and even some international labs!), I was surprised to see a student already standing by my own. “I’ve been waiting for you,” they said. I hadn’t expected anyone to be even more excited than I was to talk about the project that I had been working on, but here they were. Throughout the rest of the poster session, I had the opportunity to speak with numerous students as well as some lab directors/PIs. What started out as something I had nervously anticipated for weeks turned into an enlightening and ultimately fun experience.


    There are many benefits to presenting your research at a conference, one of the largest being the chance to connect with other researchers/clinicians within and outside of your discipline. When I started my PhD, I would hear my advisor and others in my lab talk about each paper we discussed with what seemed like an inherent familiarity with the authors and the work their lab was doing. I thought to myself, “how will I ever remember all of these details?” However, once I started attending conferences and meeting some of the individuals whose work I was reading, it suddenly became a lot easier. It’s an incredible opportunity to ask the questions you have or discuss your own research ideas with the scientists whose research formulated the basis for those ideas. Moreover, there are a ton of networking opportunities. During the poster session at the ACSM Annual Meeting, another student in my lab presented her research to a faculty member who was looking for a potential postdoctoral student.

    Another critical component and huge benefit to presenting is gaining the skills to talk about your research to a variety of audiences. Being able to share your knowledge in a way that is both understandable and meaningful to a diverse group of scientists, clinicians and researchers as well as a lay audience is perhaps the most important skill for an impactful career in academia, research or industry. While you will put in a lot of work and maybe a little more stress than you’d like into preparing your presentation, the skills and opportunities (and maybe inspiration for your next project/dissertation!) that you gain as a result are worth it.

    Want more information about presenting at the 2023 ACSM Annual Meeting in Denver, CO next year? Learn more here!

    Emily F. Blake is a member of the ACSM Consumer Outreach Committee and a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research in the UMD Human Integrative Physiology Lab focuses on the role of sex hormones and reproductive aging in the relationship between inflammation and vascular function. When she isn’t in the lab, she likes to play soccer and hike with friends and hang out with her cats.

  • Young Runners Can Build a More Robust Skeleton with Multidirectional Sports

    by Greg Margason | Nov 10, 2022
    Young Runners Can Build a More Robust Skeleton with Multidirectional Sports

    Distance running is popular due to its health benefits, low cost and accessibility. However, it is associated with high rates of overuse injuries. Particularly, female cross-country runners have some of the highest rates of bone-stress injuries, which include stress reactions and stress fractures. Poor bone health is a contributing factor in some athletes and can be due to consuming insufficient calories to meet the energy demands of running (i.e., Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport [RED-S]). However, a focus on running activities when younger without participating in other sports may also play a role.  

    In our study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®, we looked at whether playing other sports when younger, in addition to running, helped to develop a more robust skeleton. By robust skeleton, we are not only talking about how much bone an individual has (i.e., bone mass) but also how the bone material is distributed (i.e., bone size). Bone size is important as a wider bone is stronger than a narrower bone with the same mass. 

    The rapid growing years before and around the time of the pubertal period represent a window of opportunity to enhance how big a bone becomes. There is evidence that the bone size, but not the mass, benefits induced by physical activity when young can be lifelong. Unfortunately, distance running is not a particularly good bone-building activity. The cells that sense and adapt bones to mechanical forces become unresponsive or “deaf” after a few hundred foot strikes of continuous running. In contrast, sports like soccer and basketball load bones more intermittently and in different directions to adapt different parts of a bone. 

    We found collegiate-level runners (n=14; age=21.0±1.6 years) who simply ran (and swam or rode) when younger had smaller and weaker bones than those who also played high-impact multidirectional sports like basketball and soccer (n=18; age=20.6±1.6) years. A unique feature of the study was its use of state-of-the-art high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography to image common sites for bone-stress injury within the leg and foot. Both the run-only group and run-plus-multidirectional-sport group had equivalent running history and prevalence of low-energy availability. The multidirectional sport group had played basketball and/or soccer for 10.3±1.6 years beginning at 5.8±1.9 years of age. 

    Our data indicate that young runners should be encouraged to play other sports while they are growing to develop more robust skeletons that can better resist forces and potential injury. In line with other groups, we recommend athletes limit their specialization in running until they reach puberty, which is around the time they start high school. This is also true for triathletes as swimming and cycling are also not good bone-building activities. Ultimately, there needs to be education of all involved to achieve a delay in running specialization, including the athlete, parents, coaches and others overseeing the well-being of a young athlete. The focus should always be on the development of the athlete as opposed to results so that they can reach their full potential.  

    Stuart Warden
    Stuart J. Warden, P.T., Ph.D. FACSM
    , is a Chancellor’s Professor of Physical Therapy and the associate dean for research within the School of Health & Human Sciences at Indiana University in Indianapolis. His research focuses on the form and function of the musculoskeletal system. Dr. Warden is an associate editor of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® and a previous recipient of the ACSM New Investigator Award. 

    Robyn Fuchs

    Robyn K. Fuchs, Ph.D., FACSM
    , is an associate professor of physical therapy within the School of Health & Human Sciences at Indiana University in Indianapolis. Her research focusses on the role of physical activity on bone health across the lifespan. Dr. Fuchs is a member of the ACSM Research Review Committee. 

    Viewpoints presented in SMB commentaries reflect opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent ACSM positions or policies. Active Voice authors who have received financial or other considerations from a commercial entity associated with their topic must disclose such relationships at the time they accept an invitation to write for SMB. 

  • Exploring the Physical Activity Decline in Childhood

    by Greg Margason | Nov 04, 2022
    Exploring the Physical Activity Decline in Childhood

    There is no doubt that childhood and adolescence are decisive periods to acquire healthy lifestyle behaviors, like being physically active and participating in a variety of sports. When youngsters acquire an active lifestyle, there is a greater probability they will maintain it throughout their lives. The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance released the Global Matrix 4.0 on Oct. 24, 2022, which compared indicators of physical activity in children and adolescents from 57 countries on six continents. Globally, overall physical activity received a grade of “D,” indicating that we are succeeding with less than half of children and adolescents (27-33%). Thus, there is an urgent need to address strategies to increase physical activity levels in children and youth.

    In general, children are more active than adults, and physical activity levels decline substantially during childhood and adolescence. This decrease in physical activity starts at very early ages (i.e., from the age of 5 years). Although boys of all ages spend more time being physically active than girls, they tend to have a similar declining trend in their physical activity. While the observed reduction in average levels of physical activity during childhood appears to be universal across populations, there is a general lack of understanding of the correlates associated with the decline.

    In our study, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®, we described longitudinal trends in physical activity in childhood and explored putative individual-level (fitness, BMI, motor coordination) and environmental-level (family socioeconomic status, school characteristics) correlates of these trends. The study was conducted among primary school children in Portugal and involved repeated measurements of children recruited into one of six overlapping age cohorts who were each followed for three years. Time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity was assessed using accelerometers, and children were instructed to wear the devices for seven consecutive days at each measurement period.   

    We found that both boys and girls experienced linear declines in moderate to vigorous physical activity with advancing age, and that boys were more active than girls at all ages. On average, boys engage in 17 more minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day than girls. We also found that children who had higher musculoskeletal fitness or had a lower body mass index had a less steep decline in moderate to vigorous physical activity. However, contrary to our initial expectations, no significant link was found between family socioeconomic status and the physical activity decline. Yet, from the common environment (school characteristics), greater school playground dimensions predicted a steeper decline in physical activity.

    The results of our study provide relevant information to be considered when designing and implementing strategies to attenuate declining levels of physical activity in childhood. We suggest that physical education and sports participation programs should emphasize the development of fundamental motor skills together with providing ample opportunities for fitness-enhancing physical activity. The finding that greater playground dimensions were associated with a steeper decline in physical activity is counterintuitive and requires further exploration. As with any observational study, it was impossible to control for the effects of unmeasured variables on the observed associations.  

    Sara Pereira
    Sara Pereira
    earned a Ph.D. in sports sciences and specializes in sport, genetics and motor behavior. She is an assistant professor at Lusófona University in Lisboa, Portugal, and invited professor in the faculty of sport at the University of Porto in Porto, Portugal. Her research focuses on youth growth, motor development and lifestyle behaviors. She relies on a holistic interpretation of human development to best understand the intertwined relationships between individual and environmental characteristics that shape growth, motor development and lifestyle behaviors.

    Peter Katzmarzyk
    Peter T. Katzmarzyk
    , Ph.D., is professor and associate executive director for population and public health sciences at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, where he holds the Marie Edana Corcoran Endowed Chair in Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes. His research program focuses on physical activity and obesity, with a special emphasis on pediatrics and ethnic health disparities. Dr. Katzmarzyk is an ACSM fellow, chair of the ACSM Evidence-based Practice Committee, member of the ACSM Board of Trustees and recipient of the ACSM Citation Award.

    Viewpoints presented in SMB commentaries reflect opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent ACSM positions or policies. Active Voice authors who have received financial or other considerations from a commercial entity associated with their topic must disclose such relationships at the time they accept an invitation to write for SMB.

  • Loss of Lean Tissue during Weight Loss Increases Weight Regain in the Long Term

    by Greg Margason | Oct 31, 2022
    Loss of Lean Tissue during Weight Loss Increases Weight Regain in the Long Term

    Over the last four decades, obesity has become one of the major public health problems in the U.S. Due to its prevalence (>40% of the adult population are obese) there is an increased risk of comorbidities, especially Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

    Although weight loss is difficult, it is well established that weight loss interventions can be successful when participants are compliant. Diet, alone or in combination with exercise, can result in clinically relevant weight loss. However, maintenance of weight loss is much harder, with some patients relapsing to, or even above, baseline weight. Even though weight regain remains the main challenge in obesity management, the exact reasons for weight recidivism remain unexplained. The search for metabolic factors that may influence weight regain is, therefore, urgently needed. 

    Fat free mass (FFM) loss may play a role in influencing weight regain long term. It has been proposed that FFM can influence energy intake and body weight both directly and indirectly: directly through feedback signaling between FFM and brain centers involved in appetite control, and indirectly via its effects on resting energy expenditure and energy expenditure related to free-living activity. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment showed that larger FFM loss was associated with increased drive to eat during refeeding. However, this study included only lean men under near-starvation conditions. 

    Our study, published in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise® followed 141 premenopausal overweight women for one year following a 12 kg diet-induced weight loss. Subjects were randomly assigned to no training, aerobic training, or resistance training both during the weight loss and the one-year follow-up. Women who lost FFM during the weight loss phase regained 20% more weight in the following year, compared with women who did not lose FFM. As would be expected, FFM loss was larger after diet alone compared with diet plus aerobic training, while the diet-plus-resistance-training group did not lose FFM. What is particularly noteworthy is that the relationship between the percent FFM loss during weight loss and subsequent one-year weight regain was independent of the intervention used to induce weight loss. This strongly suggests that a greater FFM loss during dieting is a risk factor for more weight regain long term. 

    The exact mechanisms through which FFM loss increases the risk of weight regain are not clearly understood. The release of myokines from the muscle and potential interaction with brain centers involved in both homeostatic and hedonic appetite regulation, with an overall increase in the drive to eat, is a viable hypothesis. Alternatively, loss of FFM could reduce the ease of movement and decrease participation in physical activity. 

    Our results have important clinical implications, as they suggest that strategies to maintain, or even increase, muscle mass during weight loss by including resistance training should be strongly recommended to limit weight regain in the long term.  

    Catia Martins
    Catia Martins, Ph.D.
    , has spent the last 10 years trying to understand the physiological mechanisms behind relapse in obesity management. She has also been interested on how exercise impacts the homeostatic appetite control system. She currently holds an associate professorship in the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. 

    Gary Hunter
    Gary R Hunter, Ph.D.
    , is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Nutrition Science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has 40 years of experience in research designed to identify metabolic factors that predispose individuals to weight gain and strategies for enhancing free-living physical activity in older adults. 

    Viewpoints presented in SMB commentaries reflect opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent ACSM positions or policies. Active Voice authors who have received financial or other considerations from a commercial entity associated with their topic must disclose such relationships at the time they accept an invitation to write for SMB
