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  • ACSM Preparticipation Screening Case Studies

    by David Barr | Aug 19, 2020

    WK_Clinical-EP-coverPreparticipation Health Screening - Practice case studies

    From ACSM’s Clinical Exercise Physiology Chapter 3, Benefits and Risks Associated With Exercise and Physical Activity and Preparticipation Health Screening

    Answers are provided at the bottom of the page.

    Case Study 1

    A 24-year-old woman is joining a fitness center. Since graduating from college and becoming an architect 1 year ago, she no longer walks with her friends in the afternoon or plays intramural basketball. She reports no significant medical history and no symptoms of any diseases, even when running to catch the train. Her father was diagnosed with hypertension when he was 42 and her 51-year-old mother has type 2 diabetes. The client smokes socially on occasion (∼5–10 cigarettes per week) and drinks alcohol one or two nights a week. She has the following: height = 65 in (165.1 cm); weight = 165 lb (74.8 kg); BMI = 27.5 kg · m−2; RHR = 74 beats per minute (bpm); resting BP = 124/74 mm Hg; LDL-C = 118 mg · dL−1; HDL = 61 mg · dL−1; FBG = 106 mg · dL−1. She wants to begin a walking program on a treadmill.

    Download sample of ACSM's Clinical Exercise Physiology Textbook

    Case Study 2

    A 65-year-old male nonsmoker recently decided to train for a 5-km fun run to raise money for muscular dystrophy. He hasn’t exercised in years, but used to participate in road races when he was younger. His father died of a heart attack at age 67 and his mother died of breast cancer at age 89. Last year, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and currently takes Metformin. He also reports taking a statin to lower his cholesterol. Height = 70 in (177.8 cm), weight = 216 lb (98.2 kg), BMI = 31.0 kg · m−2. RHR = 78 bpm, resting BP = 134/86 mm Hg. Total serum cholesterol = 184 mg · dL−1, HDL = 44 mg · dL−1, FBG = 98 mg · dL−1.

    ACSM Preparticipation Screening Guidelines

    Watch the Author Insight Video

    1. Complete the preparticipation health screening questions to determine if medical clearance is needed.


    Preparticipation Health Screening


    Case 1

    Case 2

    Currently participates in regular exercise?



    Known CV, metabolic, or renal disease?



    Signs or symptoms suggestive of disease?



    Desired intensity?



    Medical clearance needed?




    2. Complete the assessment to determine the number of CVD risk factors.

    CVD Risk Factors


    Case 1

    Case 2




    Family history?



    Cigarette smoking?



    Physical inactivity?















    Negative risk factor — HDL > 60 mg · dL−1



    Number of CVD risk factors?



    Answers are provided below.


    View All Books


    Preparticipation Health Screening


    Case 1

    Case 2

    Currently participates in regular exercise?



    Known CV, metabolic, or renal disease?



    Signs or symptoms suggestive of disease?



    Desired intensity?



    Medical clearance needed?




    CVD Risk Factors


    Case 1

    Case 2




    Family history?



    Cigarette smoking?



    Physical inactivity?















    Negative risk factor — HDL > 60 mg · dL−1



    Number of CVD risk factors?



    *Please note that the information provided is current at the time of publication. Readers are encouraged to check for more recently published information.

  • Not all indoor spaces are created equal: Enhancing indoor air quality to promote physical activity among vulnerable populations

    by Caitlin Kinser | Aug 17, 2020

    couple doing yoga at homeThe hot summer months of June, July and August provide many opportunities for individuals and families to engage in outdoor physical activities. Whether its swimming, kayaking, hiking, bike riding, running or walking, people are moving their workout routines outdoors to get a change of scenery and take in the fresh summer air. Yet, for individuals who live in cities and low-income communities plagued by air pollution, poor air quality can be a salient barrier to outdoor exercise. Emissions from cars, trucks, industry and power plants all contribute to poor outdoor air quality. In some communities, smoke from wildfires can also be a concern. Common outdoor air pollutants include particulate matter and gases such as ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. Ozone in particular is in greater concentration during the summer months, due to longer days, stagnant air, more sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. These factors contribute to poorer outdoor air quality and potential health hazards related to inhaling polluted air.

    Research findings generally support that the health benefits of being physically active outweigh the consequences of breathing in low quality air. The ACSM American Fitness Index suggests the following: exercising earlier in the day, avoiding outdoor activity during peak commuting time and moving your exercise routine indoors to reduce the potential risks associated with exercising outdoors when outdoor pollution levels are high. While the home environment may appear to be a healthier alternative to exercise, home air quality is influenced by outdoor air pollution and indoor sources, such as tobacco smoke, household chemicals and allergens. Nearly six million households harbor moderate to severe environmental hazards, such as lead, tobacco smoke, asbestos and volatile organic compounds. Hence, it is important to consider the specific circumstances of local outdoor and indoor air quality when choosing the best location for physical activity. 

    Inequities in environmental exposures

    Communities of color and low-income households are more likely to be exposed to poor air quality due to neighborhoods that are often near industrial facilities or freeways and higher rates of poor housing infrastructure. These environmental inequities are due, in part, to unjust policies and urban planning practices that have exacerbated poverty and exposed disadvantaged communities to higher levels of environmental hazards and wastes. Individuals who live in apartments or subsidized housing are particularly vulnerable, as they have decreased opportunity for source control of many pollutants and emissions in their buildings (e.g., existence of lead, mold, gas stoves, poor ventilation). Children, the elderly and individuals with disabilities also represent vulnerable groups, as they are more likely to depend on others to ensure the air quality in their indoor living spaces. Individuals with compromised immune systems may be more susceptible to the harmful effects of pollutants, mold spores and certain bacteria. The combined effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution are one factor contributing to the higher rates of premature death observed in these populations, largely as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory infections. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, during which people are more likely to be spending more time indoors, including for exercise, there is a timely need for a heightened focus on improving indoor air quality and offering recommendations to reduce air pollutants in the home.

    Recommendations for individuals and families to improve indoor air quality in the home

    When exercising indoors, it is important to be aware of indoor pollutants and ways to reduce the particles and toxins in your home.

    1. Reduce sources of poor air quality. The most important step to improving air quality is to not allow smoking or vaping indoors. Similarly, avoid other sources of indoor combustion such as open fireplaces, scented candles and burning incense, as these increase particle pollutants. When choosing cleaning products, opt for unscented versions, avoid volatile organic chemicals and limit use of aerosol sprays and air fresheners. When dusting, use a damp or clinging cloth rather than a dry one to capture more dust and dirt. Fix any water leaks in plumbing, roofing or around windows to help prevent mold growth. People with environmental allergies, can also address sources of allergens, such as dust mites, pet dander, mold spores or cockroaches. Avoid exercising indoors immediately after cleaning, as some household cleaning products and activities may temporarily reduce air quality. 
    2. Ensure adequate ventilation and air filtration. Cooking can be a big source of air pollutants. If available, use range hoods that vent outdoors in the kitchen when cooking. Homes with forced air heating and/or cooling should use a medium-to-high efficiency filter and change it regularly. If your house or apartment does not have central forced air heating/cooling, consider investing in a portable air cleaner (that does not emit ozone) in the home to reduce particulate pollution. If outdoor air quality is good and there are no concerns for allergies, consider opening windows to ventilate your indoor space. During activities that generate moisture, such as showering or dish washing, maintain adequate ventilation to decrease mold formation.
    3. Reduce the entry of outdoor pollutants into the home by adding activities like wiping your shoes or taking them off by the entrance. Keep windows closed during high pollen days and periods of high air pollution to reduce exposure to particulates and petroleum fumes. For those who live near busy roads or highways, keep windows shut during rush hour, particularly when you are exercising. When deciding whether to exercise indoors or outdoors, check daily weather reports via news apps, or visit You can also sign up for air quality alerts with  Finally, check the Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Quality Index  in your city for information on your local pollutant levels and advocate for legislative mandates and comprehensive reporting about outdoor air quality, especially at the neighborhood level.
    4. Check your home for safety issues regularly. If you live in a house built before 1978, consider testing your home for lead exposure. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, can also have a negative impact on indoor air quality. Contact the National Lead Information Center and your state and local radon programs for more information on how to obtain lead and radon test kits. Finally, install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and check the batteries routinely.

    Using an environmental justice approach to equitably ensure indoor air quality.

    Environmental health research shows that not all spaces are created equal. Urban development and policies have disproportionately exposed disadvantaged communities to higher levels of harmful pollutants that affect both indoor and outdoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality is an environmental justice issue, and it is essential to advocate for patients and clients who are most vulnerable to air pollutants to reduce health disparities and promote active living.

    Local governments, health care systems and neighborhood groups have a role in educating people about local environmental exposures, with special outreach to residents of high-exposure areas. To address inequities, however, a collective approach is needed to remove sources of indoor and outdoor pollutants concentrated in disadvantaged communities. Partnerships among grassroots organizations, environmental health agencies and public health professionals are needed to advocate for laws, regulations and policies that promote environmental justice and protect vulnerable communities.

    While ACSM actively encourages individuals and families to engage in daily exercise, we recognize that not all persons have access to high quality air. We also acknowledge that clean air, both indoors and outdoors, is a human right and inequities in air quality contribute to disparities in physical activity participation and disease morbidity and mortality. Yet, there are feasible strategies to reduce indoor air pollutants and provide more equitable access to clean air in every household and community. By using an environmental justice approach to advocate for clean air, indoor and outdoor exercise can, once again, become a safe and healthy summertime activity enjoyed by all.


    Authors: Andrea Jacobo, MPH; Nailah Coleman, M.D., FACSM; Rebecca Hasson, Ph.D., FACSM; Marquell Johnson, Ph.D.; Navin Kaushal, Ph.D.; Toby Lewis, M.D.; Lauren Simon, M.D., FACSM; Jim Sallis, Ph.D., FACSM; and the ACSM Strategic Health Initiative on Health Equity

  • ACSM Fit Science | August 2020

    by David Barr | Aug 12, 2020

    ACSM Certification Fit Science

    ACSM Fit Science includes recent fitness-related stories featuring the college and its members as subject matter experts. ACSM is a recognized leader among national and international media and a trusted source on sports medicine and exercise science topics. Because these stories may be written by the media, they do not necessarily reflect ACSM statements, views or endorsements. These stories are meant to share ACSM coverage with fitness professionals and inform them about what the public is reading and hearing about the field.


    Endurance Training Could Counteract the Harmful Effects of Sitting for Too Long

    At this point, the detrimental effects of sitting are well documented—from potentially increasing obesity to shortening your life—but new research in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® suggests there may be a hack if you do sit regularly: Endurance training.

    Read more at RunnersWorld


    ACSM Publishes Call to Action Addressing COVID-19 and Return to Sports and Physical Activity

    In this new statement, authors summarize the current scientific knowledge about COVID-19, its transmission and the negative effects of physical inactivity, while also emphasizing the general benefits of exercise. The statement includes 12 actions that can be taken by health care providers and individuals in the safe return to sports and exercise.

    Read the Call to Action Statement

    Championing Whole-Food and Plant-Based Diets: The Role of the Health and Fitness Professional

    Given that diets will continue to be a popular industry, it is advantageous for health and fitness professionals to stay up to date with the trends and fads their clients and patients follow.

    Read at ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal


    How Many Calories Do I Burn Doing Different Sports?

    Paul Gallo, Ed.D., FACSM, ACSM-EP, ACSM-CEP, ACSM-GEI answers these burning questions: of all that outside playing, what’s actually good for you? What burns the most calories? Which ones are actually dangerous, or at least annoyingly injurious? Which are the best overall?

    Read at MelMagazine


    Does Standing in Your Saddle Really Help You Power Up?

    When you’re out on a ride and you see a big hill coming up, you often shift to stand in your pedals in order to tackle it. ACSM member Ross Wilkinson, Ph.D. answers the FAQ: is that increased oomph a real thing or just a placebo effect?

    Read at


    How to Instill a Healthy Attitude About Exercise in Your Kids

    When it comes to a child’s relationship with physical activity, it’s clear that parents play a major role. ACSM Fellow Nailah Coleman, M.D., and other experts share how parents can encourage their children to have a positive relationship with physical activity.

    Read at The Huffington Post


    The Pediatric Inactivity Triad: A Triple Jeopardy for Modern Day Youth

    Youth fitness specialists who understand the interactions between exercise deficit disorder, pediatric dynapenia and physical illiteracy will be better prepared to design and implement exercise interventions that sustain an ongoing interest in physical activity throughout the life course. Avery D. Faigenbaum, Ed.D., FACSM, ACSM-EP, and other specialists explain this important issue.

    Read at ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal

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  • HIIT for Individuals with Down Syndrome | CEC Quiz

    by David Barr | Aug 11, 2020

    ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal®: July – August 2020 CEC Course #2: Benefits of incorporating HIIT Programs for Individuals with Down Syndrome

    Available ACSM CECs: 2.0

    HIIT Down Syndrome ACSM

    Health and fitness professionals may use the information in this article to design exercise prescription programs for people with Down syndrome.

    About the course:

    This course includes an online ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® article and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. 

    Key learning objectives of the course - Benefits of incorporating HIIT Programs for Individuals with Down Syndrome:

    • Health and fitness professionals will be able to use the information in this article to design exercise prescription programs for people with Down syndrome.

    • Health and fitness professionals will be able to approach a client with Down syndrome with more background knowledge of the condition itself.

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  • COVID-19 and Return to Sports and Physical Activity | Official Call to Action

    by David Barr | Aug 08, 2020

    COVID Call to ActionACSM Publishes Call to Action Addressing COVID-19 and Return to Sports and Physical Activity


    The statement includes 12 action steps for health care providers, healthy individuals and those recovering from COVID-19.

    The statement also emphasizes the general benefits of exercise for individuals and how exercise contributes to healthy immune function. It includes actions that can be taken by health care providers and individuals.

    Read the Report

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