
In This Section:

  • Complete Core Training Through 3 Planes - Exercise Technique Video

    by David Barr | May 14, 2020

    Russian Twist Exercise Technique Video

    These examples of core training through 3 planes highlights some of the exercise technique videos available in the ACSM Resource Library through ACSM books.

    These pull-up, dumbbell bench press and chin-up videos are a small sample of exercise technique videos that can be accessed through ACSM's Resources for the Certified Personal Trainer, 5th EditionACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist, 2nd Edition and ACSM’s Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning books.



    Watch each video on its own Resource Library page or watch the first video and allow the playlist to continue automatically.


    Plank Exercise Technique
    Front Plank
    Sagittal plane stability

    Side Bridge Technique
    Side Bridge
    Frontal plane stability

    Russian Twist Technique Video ACSM
    Russian Twist
    Transverse plane


    More Exercise Technique Videos

    ACSM Resource Library Format
    To see all of the videos in the ACSM Resource Library, check the 'Video' box under 'Format', on the left of the Resource Library page.

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  • Exercise Is Medicine | #1 Most Popular CEC Course

    by David Barr | May 11, 2020

    Exercise is Medicine logo ACSM


    ACSM's #1 most popular CEC course is featured for Exercise Is Medicine Month:

    Learn how to serve clients and patients who need the support of a fitness professional in order to prevent or manage specific health conditions.

    This course will focus on the following competency areas:

    • professional preparation necessary to safely and effectively assess, develop and guide exercise in an Exercise is Medicine setting

    • development of the skills needed to support sustained behavior change

    • understanding evolving models of health care that provide opportunities for lifestyle interventions
    This course includes five required modules and two supplemental presentations, presentation slides, associated resources and the online exam. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all viewing and reading material, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes). No substitutions will be allowed for this CEC course. This course is not an ACSM certification. This course is part of an ACSM certificate program to enhance your professional development.


    Available ACSM CECs 5.0

    Learning objectives for the course - ACSM/Exercise is Medicine:

    • To provide candidates with practical applications and tools to better manage clients and groups with common chronic diseases and risk factors.
    • To educate candidates on how to provide effective behavioral support to help clients develop and sustain a physically active lifestyle.
    • To prepare candidates with resources and knowledge related to health care interactions and relationships.
    • To ensure that candidates understand critical concepts, information and strategies related to Exercise is Medicine®.

    Purchase and earn CECs

    Earn More CECs Through Popular Courses

    Autism Exercise Specialist Course
    Autism Exercise Specialist | #2 Most Popular CEC Course

    Nutrition Quiz ACSM
    Nutrition Spotlight | CEC Bundle

    Nutrition Inflammation Immunity ACSM
    Nutrition in Inflammation and Immunity
  • The Exhausted Educator: Use the ACSM Brown Bag in Science Webinars to Engage Students in Research Questions

    by Caitlin Kinser | May 11, 2020

    “A Well Educated Mind Will Always Have More Questions Than Answers”

               -Helen Keller


    blog_brown bag screenIf the spring semester, with all of its challenges and changes, left you exhausted, you’re not alone. Faculty were asked to pivot quickly to online instruction and to identify innovative ways to make remote learning an engaging success. With the likely extension of online coursework persisting into the summer, you and your students may feel unmotivated and ready to say, “I didn’t sign up for THIS!”

    The struggle to a) deliver the best educational experience possible, while b) simultaneously covering necessary content and c) integrating real-life, hands-on, conversation-starting material requires significant time and resources. This is where ACSM can help! The ACSM Brown Bag in Science Webinars can be a great resource to stimulate concept-based learning and analytical thinking, while providing novel opportunities for external discussion and inquiry in the virtual world.

    What are the ACSM Brown Bag in Science Webinars, you may ask? In the fall of 2017, ACSM launched its Brown Bag Series in Science. The primary goal of these webinars is to expose ACSM students to the breadth of research that ACSM members conduct. The webinars are delivered at the “student level,” in order to provide a non-intimidating opportunity for students to engage with our member presenters and to learn more about their work. Generally, the presenters discuss the research questions they are trying to answer, the methods that they use, and some interesting insights regarding their data and findings. The presentation is followed by a period of Q & A when participants have the opportunity to join the discussion and to ask their “burning” questions. The recorded webinars are freely available for access, download and use.

    ACSM has been very fortunate over the past three years to have many outstanding members share their work in this webinar series. A variety of topics have been covered, such as thermoregulation, sport nutrition, exercise and mental health, physical activity behavior, chronic disease, sport performance and injury, technology and research with the armed forces.

    Now, we’re not suggesting that assigning the ACSM Webinars alone should substitute for a traditional learning experience. Instead, you can use the webinars to complement your students’ learning in other areas by pairing each recording with supplementary, thought-provoking and fun assignments. For example, on a general level, an instructor can:

    • Use the webinars as an activity to spark discussion on current topics, assigning students to do independent assessments of Google search queries, media articles and/or commercial products to establish public interest and need
    • Ask students to compare/contrast the research methodologies used within several webinars
    • Develop the skill of science communication by assigning a social media project where students have to develop three tweets to market a webinar or an infographic that summarizes a major theme from the presentation
    • Assess a webinar to identify the five most pressing research questions that should be answered next
    • Assign one of the presenter’s papers to the class and ask students to conceptualize a novel schematic on the larger scientific topic, integrating the presenter’s work

    In addition, ACSM Webinars can be used to foster external communication, activities and discussion. Asking students to interview family members and peers (in-person or via electronic communication) about a topic beforehand highlights the relevance of the topic for practical application. For example, if the ACSM Webinar is on thermoregulation, students can be asked to survey friends and family about their experiences with exercise in the heat or their knowledge of heat stress and safety, and/or present a case study or article published in the popular press around the topic.  Moreover, assigning a laboratory assessment afterwards can tie the Webinar to applied science. Sticking with the thermoregulation example, students can be asked to exercise in different settings (inside, with several layers of clothes on vs. outside in fewer layers) while monitoring performance indicators and fluid intake.

    This Spring, all instructors were forced quickly to adapt to new online educational strategies, a challenge that has been made more exhausting and challenging due to the absence of resources, continued uncertainty and lack of in-person interactions. Our advice? Fight instructional exhaustion by using the ACSM Brown Bag in Science Webinars. With these in hand, students can question the science… rather than the situation.

    Lynette L. Craft, Ph.D., FACSM, completed her Ph.D. in Kinesiology at Michigan State University and post-doctoral training in Health Psychology at Boston University School of Medicine. She currently serves as the ACSM Chief Science Officer.

    Beth A. Taylor, Ph.D., FACSM, is an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at University of Connecticut as well as the Director of Exercise Physiology Research at Hartford Hospital. Her research interests focus on interactions between exercise, aging, cardiovascular disease and commonly used cardiovascular medications. An avid runner herself, Dr. Taylor has also conducted studies at the Boston and Hartford Marathons to determine the effects of sustained endurance exercise on blood clot risk, markers of cardiovascular injury and stress, and the effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs on these biomarkers.

  • ACSM Guidelines Resources and Downloads

    by David Barr | May 07, 2020


    Essential resources and downloads related to the ACSM physical activity guidelines.

    You demanded a summary page for ACSM Guidelines and we've got you covered.

    ACSM Guidelines: All healthy adults aged 18–65 yr should participate in moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on five days per week, or vigorous intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of 20 min on three days per week.

    Topics are broken down into several popular categories:
  • Activity and Health Recommendations
  • Official Positions
  • Books
  • Disease and Special Populations and more

  • Go To ACSM Physical Activity Guidelines Resources

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    Metabolic Flexibility ACSM
    Nutrition Resources

    Personal Training Resources
    Personal Training Resources and Downloads

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    ACSM Nutrition for Exercise Science
    Top 5 ACSM Books of 2019

    ACSM Nutrition FAQs
    Top 5 ACSM Certification Blogs of 2019

    top blogs of 2019 ACSM
    Top ACSM Blog Posts of 2019
  • Implementing Journal Club in the Versatile (Online) Classroom

    by Caitlin Kinser | May 06, 2020

    online learningThe spring 2020 semester was interrupted for most academics, both within the classroom teaching undergraduate and graduate students and in the research laboratory, collecting and analyzing data. The summer semester approaches us quickly, with the majority of classes being held online due to the continued prevalence of COVID-19 across the globe. As this blog comes to press, the state of the fall 2020 semester is still undetermined for most of us, as several universities and college administrations recently announcing that decisions will be made no sooner than the middle of the summer. This situation may trigger a question for some: How do we plan out lessons in a flexible way that prepares our students with the most current research, whether or not we’re teaching in-person or over the Internet? One pretty straightforward but quite rewarding suggestion is journal club.

    Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews (ESSR) often provides “journal club” questions for at least one paper published in each issue. The April 2020 issue brings us two of these, which can be incorporated into course content as early as this summer. The questions are designed with non-experts in mind, and often comprise knowledge, comprehension, application, analytical, evaluative and even synthesis question types (Bloom’s Taxonomy). Written by the authors of the article, the journal club prompts are specifically designed for inclusivity: meaning, students do not need to be studying the specifics of a research field (i.e., mechanism of action for cancer) to feel comfortable with the material presented in the review and prompts.

    For instance, Oppewal et al.’s review on the impact of physical fitness on adults with intellectual disabilities suggests that even a minor adjustment to incorporate physical activity in unfit older adults can lead to significant health improvements. The paper includes norms and reference values, which make for a convenient paper to consider incorporating into health and fitness assessment courses, especially for evaluating special populations. One journal club question asks readers to describe the difference between physical fitness levels of older adults with intellectual disabilities and the general population. Another question asks the reader to describe the importance to improve physical fitness in very unfit populations.

    The second paper in the April 2020 issue of ESSR to offer journal club prompts for use in the classroom is Brown and Gilmore’s review titled, “Physical Activity Reduces the Risk of Recurrence and Mortality in Cancer Patients.” In a similar line of thought to Oppewal and colleagues evaluating physical activity in special populations, Brown and Gilmore explore the association of insufficient physical activity with cancer recurrence and mortality. The authors describe the biological mechanisms underlying this association by breaking down the important mechanisms to briefly describe supporting data in a way that students at the undergraduate level can comprehend without an exhaustive background on the topic. Questions in this journal club range from evaluating students’ understanding of study design (i.e., limitations of observational cohort studies) to recognizing the steps in metastatic dissemination (from primary tumor to distant organs).

    As an illustration for the effectiveness of incorporating the journal club questions in the classroom, I successfully incorporated an ESSR paper and associated journal club questions in my upper division Neuromuscular Aspects of Exercise course at the University of Florida. Students were given the option to answer three of the list of questions as a take-home assignment related to course content presented during lecture. Uploading answers to Canvas, our online learning management platform, was effortless and straightforward to grade. Although my class took place in-person for lectures at the time this assignment was given, I expect no problems assigning another journal club from ESSR to my students during virtual lectures in the future. If the semester were to again unexpectedly transition online, I’d have no issues including this relevant activity in my course.

    The versatility in incorporating ESSR journal club questions (and those an instructor may independently write to more specifically relate to papers discussed in class) comes from the instructor’s ability to implement this type of activity for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as in the classroom (whether online, in-person or hybrid) and in the research laboratory. Students in the lab may prove more creative and multi-modal than they let on to their primary investigator or mentor – perhaps one student is a great visual storyteller, and another would really like to work on their video editing skills. The academic world we knew before COVID-19 has changed: we can incorporate journal club questions with our students, even remotely, and encourage our students to explore research in creative ways that we may not have considered previously. These are the types of learners ESSR strives to reach with the varying resources we strive to give our readers, which include visual and video abstracts. Perhaps the students in the lab want to make a video abstract for a paper they’re working on right now? Maybe they’ll be assigned to present a paper published by another lab in the form of a visual abstract? The resources to maintain a solid foundation for our students, even remotely, exists; we can keep ourselves and our students in tune with the latest research even during these unusual times.

    For more information on ACSM resources for virtual teaching, check out the some of the related content on the ACSM website.


    Diba ManiDiba Mani, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the Department of Applied Physiology & Kinesiology at the University of Florida. She serves as the Digital Editor for Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. She earned her degrees under the mentorship of Dr. Roger Enoka in the Neurophysiology of Movement Laboratory at the University of Colorado. Her doctoral dissertation focused on evaluating the effects of electrical nerve stimulation on motor unit discharge properties and mobility in young and older adults. Dr. Mani most enjoys the human component of any work she is engaging in, be it research in the field of geriatrics or teaching college students in the classroom. Dr. Mani is a nationally certified judo referee and coach and also a regular vinyasa yoga practitioner. She is passionate about diversity and cultural promotion through involvement in groups such as Iranian American Academics & Professionals and the Persian Students Organization.

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