
In This Section:

  • ACSM Educational Opportunities, Meetings and Providers | January-February 2020

    by David Barr | Jan 09, 2020

    ACSM CEC Jan Feb 2020

    Download your CEC opportunity guide for January-February 2020, featured in every issue of ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal®.

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    Nutrition Quiz ACSM 

    Nutrition Spotlight | CEC Bundle
    Squat Cues for the Perfect Squat ACSM
    Coach It Up!...Coaching and Cueing Proper Movement

    View Featured CEC Quizzes

    Physical Activity Quiz ACSM
    Understanding the Physical Inactivity Epidemic

    ACSM Clinical Quiz CEC
    Strategies for Partnering with Health Care Settings to Increase Physical Activity Promotion
  • Functional Strength Assessment | Featured Video

    by David Barr | Jan 08, 2020

    For even more vital information, download your free sample from ACSM's Exercise Testing and Prescription book.

    Download your free sampleWK_ExRx-cover

    Do it right: this short physical performance battery is a composite measure of lower extremity function that predicts the ability to perform activities of daily living.

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    Astrand Test
    Astrand-Ryhming Step Test

    Russian Twist Technique Video ACSM
    Russian Twist Technique Video | ACSM’s Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning

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  • ACSM Certifications: Defining an Exercise Profession | CEC Quiz

    by David Barr | Jan 07, 2020

    ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal®: January – February 2020 CEC Course #2: ACSM Certifications: Defining an Exercise Profession from Concept to Assessment 

    Available ACSM CECs: 2.0

    ACSM Certifications Defined CEC Quiz


    Discover why ACSM certification plays a vital role as the interface between exercise professionals and your clients/patients.

    About the course:

    This course includes an online ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® article and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. 

    Learning objectives for the course - ACSM Certifications | Defining an Exercise Profession from Concept to Assessment:

    • Understand the origination of the ACSM four core, professional certifications and the process of maintaining the integrity of these certifications.
    • Identify recent changes to the ACSM four core, professional certifications.
    • Recognize the basic differences between the ACSM four core, professional certifications.

    Read the free article

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    Meir Magal PhD
    Meir Magal, Ph.D., ACSM-CEP, FACSM
    , is a program director and professor of Exercise Science at North Carolina Wesleyan College. He is currently serving as the chair of the Executive Council of ACSM’s Committee on Certification and Registry Boards (CCRB).

    Francis Neric MS MBA
    Francis B. Neric, M.S., M.B.A
    , is the national director of Certifications at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

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    ACSM Recertification | CEC Mega Bundles

    Nutrition Quiz ACSM
    Nutrition Spotlight | CEC Bundle

  • 2020 ACSM Annual Meeting President’s Lectures

    by Caitlin Kinser | Jan 06, 2020

    Each of the President’s lectures this year brings a different perspective of the mission and the work of the college to the Annual Meeting. There is something for everyone here. The discussions will address career paths for exercise professionals, the history of primary care sports medicine, the use of exercise therapy to address obesity in youth, and promotion of evidence-based behavioral therapies in underserved communities.

    Thursday’s Lectures


    Presidents-Armstrong“First in Friendship, Fourth in Obesity: Solving Complex Health Challenges through Parks and Recreation Partnerships”

    Sarah Armstrong, M.D., is a pediatrician specializing in the treatment of childhood obesity.  She has established comprehensive treatment programs originating in the clinic and projecting into community practice incorporating the best in nutrition- and exercise-based behavioral interventions.  Her research in this area is groundbreaking and provides lessons for those interested in community-based obesity interventions in kids.

    John Bergfeld photo50 Years of Sports Medicine and the Anterior Cruciate Ligament

    John Bergfeld, M.D., FACSM, 28th President of the ACSM (1984-85), is an orthopedist sports medicine surgeon.  He started the first primary care sports medicine program in Cleveland fifty years ago. During his lecture he will touch on the history of the sports medicine field and treatment of one of the major medical challenges enduring today—anterior cruciate ligament injury.

    Saturday’s Lectures


    Timothy White photo“Leadership Matters- An Outlier's Accidental Journey from Coach to PI to Chancellor”

    Tim White, PhD, FACSM, 38th President of the ACSM (1994-95), will discuss his journey from being an exercise physiologist and scientist to leading the largest higher educational institutions in the world—the University of California system. His message will resonate with young ACSM scientists and professionals about charting career paths.

    Melicia Whitt-Glover photoOvercoming Disparities in Physical Activity: We Need to Dig Deeper

    Melicia Whitt-Glover, PhD, FACSM, is a leader in community-based physical activity interventions in underserved communities. Her work in health disparities has spanned twenty years. During this time, she has been engaged in research and evaluation projects designed to identify effective strategies to promote adherence to national recommendations for physical activity, diet, and healthy weight gain to address disparities in chronic disease morbidity and mortality. Dr. Whitt-Glover will share her learnings with all of us about this important work.

    Learn more about sessions and special presentations at the 2020 ACSM Annual Meeting here

    KrausWilliam E. Kraus, M.D., FACSM, is the 63rd president of the American College of Sports Medicine. He is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology Medicine and the Director of Clinical Translation at the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute. He is a clinician scientist with research interests in the use of exercise for favorable mediation of cardiometabolic risk; in the role of skeletal muscle adaptations in mediating that risk; on using molecular markers to personalized lifestyle medicine approaches to disease prevention and in the study of how we can use a better understanding of gene-environment interactions to focus preventive measures in cardiovascular medicine. Dr. Kraus' clinical focus is in the areas of cardiovascular prevention with a focus on lifestyle modification, and cardiac rehabilitation. He is the author of over 250 peer reviewed publications and 215 abstracts. 

  • Industry-Presented Webinar Q&A | Get Cultured on Fermented Dairy Foods

    by David Barr | Jan 02, 2020

    Fermented Foods NDC ACSM

    NDC and ACSM recently hosted an industry-presented webinar with Chris Cifelli, Ph.D., and Andrew Dole, MS, RDN, CSSD, CEC, USAT I, entitled Get Cultured on Fermented Dairy Foods.

    ACSM NDC Webinar

    Watch the full webinar here

    Several questions were asked by attendees during the webinar and the answers pertaining to recovery, inflammation, hormones and more are below.

    Q 1: Can you speak to the sugar content found in dairy products?

    Lactose is the natural sugar in milk, and other dairy foods made from milk, that forms when two other sugars, glucose and galactose, join together. There are about 12 grams of natural sugar (lactose) in each 8-ounce glass of milk, which is about the same amount of natural sugar you would find in one small banana. Flavored milk, like chocolate, does contain added sugar for flavor and many flavored yogurts do, too, unless a non-caloric sweetener is used.

    When looking at your diet as a whole, it is important to consider a food’s full nutrient package, including differentiating added and naturally occurring sugars in foods like milk, yogurt and fruit. Many foods and beverages with naturally occurring sugars, like milk or fruit, also contain vitamins and minerals, protein or fiber we need as part of healthy eating patterns. While milk contains natural sugar, it also provides nine essential nutrients including 8 grams of high-quality protein in every 8-ounce serving.

    Government and major health organizations agree people can enjoy some sugar (both natural and added) within the recommended daily amount, especially when it comes from nutrient-rich foods such as flavored milk, sweetened yogurt or whole-grain cereals. That’s because some added sugar can improve the taste of the nutrient-rich foods many people need more of, which can mean they eat more of them. The dairy case is filled with a wide variety of dairy foods to choose from, so read the ingredient label, compare brands and pick one that meets your preferences and health needs. 

    Q 2: Would you say that for an individual on an elimination diet to troubleshoot some gut health issues, that person should keep yogurt in the diet rather than abstain for the 4- to 6-week duration?

    If this individual is on the elimination diet under the supervision of a gastroenterologist then we’d advise continuation under their care. If not, we’d suggest the individual speak to a gastroenterologist to ensure an elimination diet is the right approach. It is important to understand the cause of gastrointestinal (GI) distress so it gets treated and essential food groups are not unnecessarily removed from the diet. Low-fat and fat-free milk provide nine essential nutrients and milk is the No. 1 food source of three of the nutrients of concern (calcium, vitamin D and potassium) in the diet of Americans. If an individual is on the elimination diet due to lactose intolerance, there are solutions that can work for many people to help them keep dairy foods in their diet. The acronym LACTOSE may help them find solutions that work for them, since lactose intolerance varies for each individual. Incorporating dairy foods into an overall balanced meal plan is important:

    • Look for lactose-free cow’s milk. It is real cow’s milk with the lactose already broken down.
    • Add natural, hard cheeses to your meals and snacks. Natural, hard cheeses like Cheddar, Swiss, Colby Jack and Monterey, contain minimal lactose and provide a great way to get in a serving of dairy.
    • Cook with it. Using dairy in recipes is a great way to get in essential nutrients. For example, you can substitute yogurt for ingredients like mayonnaise or use lactose-free milk in baking, in hot cereals like oatmeal or in soups.
    • Top veggies with it. Sprinkling a serving of grated, low-fat natural, hard cheese on your veggies adds protein, calcium and a scrumptious taste.
    • Optimize your workout with dairy! Low-fat and fat-free dairy foods are a great source of high-quality protein, which may be beneficial after a workout. Mix lactose-free milk in a shake or make a parfait with yogurt, fruit and a dab of honey to replenish and rebuild!
    • Scoop up a serving of yogurt. Though it contains lactose, yogurt is also full of good bacteria (e.g., live and active cultures) which helps digest the lactose and can make it easier to tolerate. Icelandic- and Greek-style yogurts have less lactose than regular yogurts and also contain the beneficial bacteria, so you may want to start with these options first.
    • Experiment with regular dairy foods like milk. Introducing regular milk slowly into your diet and gradually increasing the amount over time can help your body begin to tolerate it little by little.

    Before eliminating dairy foods from your diet, visit your doctor so you can be properly tested for lactose intolerance. It is possible that other GI disorders are causing your distress.

    Q 3:  Do dairy products contain added hormones?

    A naturally occurring protein hormone in milk – bovine somatotropin (bST) – is present in cows and helps to regulate normal growth and development. Although bST is found at a very low concentration in cow’s milk, this hormone is only active in cows and is not recognized by the human body. The Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the synthetic version of this protein, called recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST/rBGH), that dairy farmers can use to increase milk production. Even though it has gone through over two decades of testing and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has affirmed and reaffirmed that milk from cows with rbST is safe and wholesome, it is not commonly used today. Dairy companies have responded to consumer requests for choices in the dairy aisle, and many now offer milk from cows not supplemented with rBST. This business decision is based on meeting a demand in the marketplace – it is not related to any health or safety issue.

    Q 4: I’ve heard dairy is associated with inflammation, is that true?

    The current scientific evidence suggests the opposite may be true. While acute inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection, when we talk about dairy or any other foods in the context of inflammation, we are talking about low grade chronic inflammation which can be related to changes in the immune system. These changes can impact the body in a number of ways and are most specifically linked to serious metabolic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.

    A growing body of research has demonstrated that adequate dairy food consumption as part of a nutrient-rich, balanced diet is associated with reduced chronic low-grade inflammation. This research was considered in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans as one possible mechanism underpinning the conclusion that “moderate evidence indicates that intake of milk and milk products is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and with lower blood pressure in adults.”

    Though still an emerging area of research, several observational studies have shown that dietary patterns that include dairy foods (milk, cheese and yogurt) are associated with reduced non-symptomatic markers of chronic inflammation across the lifespan. To date, only a few clinical trials (the gold standard) have examined the effects of dairy foods on inflammatory responses.

    Q 5: What specifically is it about chocolate milk after a workout?

    Milk and chocolate milk contain important nutrients, including carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals, that help people refuel and recover after a tough workout.

    • Carbohydrates: Carbs fuel activity and are the No. 1 source of energy for athletes, plus they help refuel your muscles. Milk naturally contains carbohydrates and in chocolate milk additional is added via sugar.
    • Protein: Having high-quality protein after a workout can help rebuild and repair your muscles. But not all proteins are equal. High-quality proteins found in foods like low-fat or fat-free milk and chocolate milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs and meats can help you get all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build and maintain your muscles and help your body work properly.
    • Fluids & Electrolytes: When you work out, several minerals can be lost in your sweat including sodium, chloride and potassium. Rehydrating with milk can help replenish your body’s fluids and electrolytes lost in your sweat. 

    Plus you can read more here if you want to learn about other nutrients found in milk.


    Chris Cifelli PhD NDC
    Chris Cifelli, PhD - Vice President, Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council

    Dr. Cifelli oversees the Dairy and Public Health research platform for National Dairy Council (NDC). In this role, he leads NDC’s research on chronic disease risk, childhood nutrition, NHANES-related research and nutrition and sustainability.

    Andrew Dole NDC ACSM
    Andrew Dole, MS, RDN, CSSD, CEC, USAT I - Owner, BodyFuelSPN

    Andrew is the owner of BodyFuelSPN, a sport performance and lifestyle nutrition practice in Castle Rock, CO, specializing in endurance athletes and weight management. A certified executive chef, an active triathlete and triathlon coach, Andrew manages clients around the world, combining nutrition science, behavior modification and culinary expertise into nutrition interventions or sport performance-driven plans.

    Viewpoints presented in this blog reflect opinions of the author and National Dairy Council and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of ACSM.

    Read More from the National Dairy Council

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