
In This Section:

  • The Role of Technology in the Future of Exercise Is Medicine® | ACSM Virtual Experience

    by David Barr | Jun 23, 2020
    ACSM Certified Virtual Experience


    ACSM’s 2020 Virtual Experience is here with on-demand content. Industry-Presented Sessions are presented by Virtual Experience sponsors Gatorade Sports Science Institute and Technogym.


    ACSM Virtual Experience Technogym 2020

    The role of Technology in the future of Exercise Is Medicine® | ACSM Virtual Experience

    This evidence-based presentation describes ACSM’s Exercise Is Medicine initiative and how innovative training machines may benefit clients or patients with particular concerns. This session is free and does not provide CECs.
    View the Technogym Virtual Experience

    Earn CECs

    The on-demand sessions are also eligible for continuing education credits (CECs). Attendees will have the option to pay a nominal processing fee ($50 for ACSM members; $100 for non-members) to obtain up to 21 CECs.

    Check out the FAQ on the Virtual Experience site to maximize your experience. Don’t forget to share your excitement on social media using #ACSM20.

    ACSM Virtual Experience GSSI 2020

    Beyond Food for Performance – Deep Dive into Supplements and Performance Foods

    View the GSSI Virtual Experience

    View More Popular Content

    ACSM Virtual Experience Launch 2020
    ACSM 2020 Virtual Experience is Here

    Russian Twist Exercise Technique Video
    Complete Core Training Through 3 Planes - Exercise Technique Video

  • Beyond Food for Performance – Deep Dive into Supplements and Performance Foods | ACSM Virtual Experience

    by David Barr | Jun 22, 2020


    ACSM Certified Virtual Experience


    ACSM’s 2020 Virtual Experience is here with on-demand content. Industry-Presented Sessions are presented by Virtual Experience sponsors Gatorade Sports Science Institute and Technogym.

    ACSM Virtual Experience GSSI 2020

    Beyond Food for Performance – Deep Dive into Supplements and Performance Foods | ACSM Virtual Experience

    Join the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) for its annual pre-conference. Each 30-minute virtual session will provide the latest on supplements and performance foods. This session is free and does not provide CECs.
    View the GSSI Virtual Experience

    Earn CECs

    The on-demand sessions are also eligible for continuing education credits (CECs). Attendees will have the option to pay a nominal processing fee ($50 for ACSM members; $100 for non-members) to obtain up to 21 CECs.

    Check out the FAQ on the Virtual Experience site to maximize your experience. Don’t forget to share your excitement on social media using #ACSM20.

    ACSM Virtual Experience Technogym 2020

    The Role of Technology in the Future of Exercise Is Medicine®

    View the Technogym Virtual Experience

    View More Popular Content

    ACSM Virtual Experience Launch 2020
    ACSM 2020 Virtual Experience is Here

    Nutrition Quiz ACSM
    Nutrition Spotlight | CEC Bundle

  • Understanding the Deadlift and Its Variations | CEC Quiz

    by David Barr | Jun 19, 2020

    ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal®: May – June 2020 CEC Course #2: Understanding the Deadlift and Its Variations

    Available ACSM CECs: 2.0

    ACSM Deadlift Variations

    How to choose the deadlift variation that optimally achieves your established goals.

    About the course:

    This course includes an online ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® article and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. 

    Sample learning objectives of the course - Understanding the Deadlift and Its Variations:

    • Understand what the deadlift exercise is and how it can be beneficial for anyone going through a resistance training program

    • Gain foundational knowledge about the similarities and differences between deadlift exercise variations

    • Be able to avoid the common errors associated with the deadlift exercises in order to stay safe and injury-free

    Read the free article

    Purchase and earn CECs

    Bundle quizzes and save 50%

    View More Popular CEC Quizzes

    Physical Activity Mental Wellbeing
    Promoting Physical Activity for Mental Well-being

    Isometric Home Workout ACSM
    Train At Home - Earn CECs

    Earn More CECs Through Popular Courses

    Nutrition Quiz ACSM
    Nutrition Spotlight | CEC Bundle
  • Moving Beyond Client Contemplation | Download

    by David Barr | Jun 18, 2020

    Beyond Client Contemplation ACSM


    The following client strategies and download are highlights from ACSM’s Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity and Exercise, Chapter 4, Building Motivation: How Ready Are You?

    ACSM Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity and Exercise

    When a client is in the Contemplation stage, they are getting ready to take action, so encouraging them to rush to adopt regular exercise before they are ready is likely to be ineffective. The real risk for a Contemplator is that they will get stuck in “chronic” Contemplation because they are ambivalent. They see the value of adopting regular exercise but are still acutely aware of the barriers or drawbacks. To help them keep moving forward, encourage them to take small steps. Being successful with those small steps will build their confidence and help them see the benefits of exercise more clearly.


    Contemplation: Key Intervention Strategies


    Make the Pros Outweigh the Cons

    • Ask client to name his or her most significant con(s). Acknowledge changing does have costs but avoid debate about whether change is “worth it.”
    • Ask clients to shrink cons by:
      • Comparing them to their growing list of pros.
      • Asking how important cons are relative to pros.
      • Challenging themselves to overcome the cons.

    Consciousness Raising — Become Informed

    • Encourage clients to keep an exercise log or wear a pedometer so they can see how much, if any, exercise they are getting and when.
    • Encourage clients to ask questions and search for more information (e.g., explore alternatives for exercise venues that are well matched to preferences and schedules, talk to friends about how they fit exercise into their schedule).
    • Ask clients what headlines or news stories they have seen recently about exercise (e.g., a story on National Public Radio about exercise increasing memory capacity among older adults, etc.) and challenge them to look for more.

    Self-Reevaluation — Create a New Self Image

    • Encourage the client to ask him or herself about self-image: “How do I think and feel about myself as someone who is not exercising regularly?”
    • Challenge the client to describe the kind of person he or she wants to be.
    • Ask the clients to describe how their self-image might improve if they were exercising regularly.
    • Provide a checklist of adjectives for the client to endorse (e.g., energetic, sluggish, fit, out of shape, etc.).

    Dramatic Relief — Pay Attention to Feelings

    • Ask the client to share an inspirational story about someone they knew who improved their health and well-being by starting to exercise regularly (a friend, family member, celebrity, etc.).
    • If she or he cannot think of an example, share one from your experience — convey the impact of beginning to exercise on someone who had been in the stage where this client is now.
    • Ask the client to describe how she or he would feel if they were diagnosed with a chronic disease like diabetes or heart disease due in part to an unhealthy lifestyle — would they regret not exercising? Would she or he be worried about premature death? How can taking small steps toward regular exercise help him or her deal with those feelings?
    • Encourage Small Steps (to Build Self-Efficacy)
      • Provide clients with options for a small step they can take toward their goal (e.g., a 10-minute walk each day, going to one exercise class each week, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, making an appointment with their health care provider to get clearance to begin exercising if needed).
      • Ask clients to choose among the small steps suggested or provide their own examples. Check in with them again to see how they did.


    To learn more effective ways to help clients maintain an exercise program, see ACSM’s Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity and Exercise. The book includes Practical Toolbox sections that include forms, checklists, charts, worksheets, and other practical resources.


    Download a sample From the Practical Toolbox:

    Sample Contemplation Activity to Overcome the Roadblocks

    Help Your Clients Overcome Roadblocks ACSM

    View All Books

  • ACSM 2020 Virtual Experience is Here

    by David Barr | Jun 17, 2020
    ACSM Certified Virtual Experience

    ACSM Conference Virtual Experience

    ACSM’s 2020 Virtual Experience is here with on-demand content. The Virtual Experience will deliver the latest research featuring the excellent presenters annual meeting attendees have come to expect.

    All sessions and ePosters will be freely available to those who are interested. Additional content will be offered exclusively to ACSM members.

    On-Demand Sessions from 15 topical areas ranging from athlete care and clinical medicine to cancer, health equity, metabolism and nutrition, physical activity and much more.

    View the session descriptions

    Earn CECs

    The on-demand sessions are also eligible for continuing education credits (CECs). Attendees will have the option to pay a nominal processing fee ($50 for ACSM members; $100 for non-members) to obtain up to 21 CECs.

    Check out the FAQ on the Virtual Experience site to maximize your experience. Don’t forget to share your excitement on social media using #ACSM20.

    View More Popular Content
