Terms of Use

In This Section:

ACSM Web Site Linking Policy

The American College of Sports Medicine welcomes links made from other sites to www.acsm.org, provided these requirements are met:

You may link to the ACSM home page ( www.acsm.org ) or to any sub page within the site. ACSM reserves the right to change URLs for sub pages at any time; it is your responsibility to verify your links to www.acsm.org sub pages.

You may not:

  • Use the official seal of logotype of the American College of Sports Medicine without prior consent;
  • Link directly to PDF files on the ACSM web server;
  • Pull graphics from the ACSM site;
  • Pull text from the ACSM site without attributing the text to the American College of Sports Medicine;
  • Host ACSM pages within frames on your web site;
  • Alter the appearance of any ACSM Web page; or
  • Imply affiliation with or state that the American College of Sports Medicine endorses or sponsors your site or product.

ACSM appreciates your use of the ACSM website and would also appreciate it if you would notify the IT (ithelpdesk@acsm.org) department with your intention to link to our site.

  • ACSM American Fitness Index Terms of Use