ACSM Advocacy

Policy Corner Blog

  • August Updates on NIH Reform and Appropriations

  • Policy Corner cover: Post title and image of the US Capitol Building
  • Aug. 19, 2024
    House and Senate Republicans propose separate NIH reform plans, with House efforts focusing on consolidating institutes, while the Senate emphasizes grant processes and workforce improvements. Both plans face hurdles, though funding is expected to remain steady. Meanwhile, Congress adjourned with minimal progress on spending bills, likely leading to a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown.
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  • NFL Smart Hearts Sports Coalition Summer Updates

  • U.S. capitol building on a blog cover image with a black and blue background and lime green stripes
  • July 11, 2024
    ACSM is part of the Coalition advocating for legislation to prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in high school students. The coalition promotes Emergency Action Plans, AED accessibility, and CPR/AED training for coaches. Recent progress includes new laws in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Kansas. The HEARTS Act, with AED access provisions, is advancing in Congress.
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